Love Waterfall story
The bunny's soft sighs and breathy sounds only serve to fuel his hunger for her.
Belleton, Chapter Twelve
With his legs still tucked together, the bunny's sack was squished forward between his upper thighs, making an easy target for the feline.
The Bouncy Bunny Burglar
"now you stay just like that, bunny boy..." the wolf growled into the bunny's ear. dubhghall clapped a paw down onto the bunny's rear.
The Twelve Talsimans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 32 - Marital Bliss
Inside bunnie rabbot, or more accurately now bunnie d'coolette, had run afoul of a robotizer, a device that could change flesh to metal, changing the occupant into a mindless robot.
Chocolate for Mom
The bunnie laughed at her response, trying to lighten the attitude of the atmosphere.
Sonic and the Deliberate Mary Sue 1
And she couldn't believe that sonic had taken bunnie's side. bunnie had just hit her! as far as starla was concerned, that made her wrong. dead wrong.
Making the Boss Your Bitch
And all the while the fox just cringed, still begging for the bunny's cock. james got his wish.
Sweet Sugah Talk
bunnie shifts on top of antoine, and the coyote whimpers as metal joins catch on his fur. "o... oh, careful!" "so-sorry!" bunnie gasps. "no worries. i have plenty of the fur down there still." he sniffles, rubbing his nose to cover it up.
The bunny's eyes opened up in shock. "wait for me in the livingroom." "but ... i... i didn't play with myself, i just ... yes sir," the bunny's shoulders sagged.
Date in the Park
It didn't help the bunny's predicament that cross kept rubbing the bunny's shaft though the tight fabric pressing the hot bunny seed into his fur over and over again.
Teaching the Rabbit Vanilla's Lesson
"oh, i" m glad you think so," vanilla says, turning once more to face bunnie.
The Pizza
"bunnies? not prey? hah. you bunnies are the purrrrrfect prey. i never get tired of gulping your species down. face it, i'm a predator, you're nothing but food for me. and you fell for it completely! mmm, i love bunnies so much.