To Dream of Darkness III - CH 54
To Dream of Darkness A story by DoggyStyle57 Chapter 54, Written May 2013 === Chapter 54 - A Serpent in the Garden Sarina took her time over the weekend as she made the statue that would indicate to her mysterious employers that her task had been...
Puzzle Heart - Chapter 1
I can tell you a million stories of klaus and i at home, humping until the sun came up; or at least, in england, until the rain came down. sorry; couldn't resist!
Secluded - Chapter 4: Visit
Soundless and dead, Xio's retro alarm clock sat unplugged next to the wolf's bed. The late morning sun glowed warmly against the thick, red blackout curtains stretched across the only window in Xio's bedroom. The wolf in question laid on his front, his...
Navigating in a Changed World - Prolog: News of a Changing World
These announcements were made via groups traveling and repeating the announcements via the streets and roads of england.
A Farewell Between Warrior and Knight
From travelling across china and then out of it, until they returned to england, where they finally defeated the weasels, the panda and bear can now finally rest as their mission ended.
I was going to find a way back to england before my time in exile had come to an end.
The Best Way to a Wolf's Heart
"i know this question is going to be a bit silly, but... what is it that made you decide you wanted to move here all the way from england?
Lions in the Metal Jungle
**southampton , hampshire england uk** i sighed sitting on my sofa in my house ,putting down the wwe championship, that i had just defeated randy orton ,in uk to win my first major title.
Chapter 4: the banquet
We shall take back england and crush our enemies once and for all!!!" his failed attempt was met by a moderate applause, and even a faint laugh from the vixen. he stood up from his chair and walked up to her.
On Finding Self, Introduction
When we were in a small town in england a dragon wearing a business suit approached. he looked older than myself, but were he younger, less well-dressed, and less stoned he could have passed for me.
For No Apparent Reason- A2S1
Then he goes on a rape-and-kill rampage throughout new england, i guess he just wanted revenge. tl: well, he killed a pregnant cuban immigrant, a panther i think, and then he snuffed out several cops, including my partner.
Chapter 2: Creators death ©
england. he thinks shapely and he banks to the right, "i'm coming for you." cackles evilly, as he flaps twice bringing him to a godly speed. he streamlines his body against the air flowing by him.