Battling.......all great stories start with the main character in an epic battle. Clad in a sky blue tunic and tan pants, a lone swordsman on his scarlet haired gargantuan horse. Standing before the duo was a monstrosity with a weird redddish-black...
Forever Lost 5 - Cxulubcah
Mizz ruby copyrighted to sucker punch productions, the legend of zelda to nintendo and oddclaw to me as fishclaw, eggfang and frozentongue were waved off at the village gate to face the flyers of the black mountains, ruby and rose turned back towards ade
Forever Lost 4 - Darkness From The Swamp
Mizz ruby copyrighted to sucker punch productions, the legend of zelda to nintendo and oddclaw to me the croc-beast seemed so familiar a shape and yet so different from that of frozentongue.
Galio Story Scrapped
**STORY** Alistar let out a snort, jiggling the nose ring that punctured his nostrils from both sides as he opened the door leading into the warm if hazy locker room. Men and women had separate bathing areas, something a bit strange to the bull man,...
The Legend of Spyro: Survival of Warfang (CH1)
The elemental legends were a different story. the current elemental legend would wait for the perfect apprentice to show there colors.
The life of a dragon [ToTK dragon TF]
Began writing this with 120 hours in the game but still not done, so if this makes no sense canonically, that's why. Zelda ---\> dragon TF. "Are you sure this is the only way?" Rauru asked, noticable anxiety in his voice as he looked down to zelda who...
Resurrection: Forward
The legend of rift book ii: resurrection (this one) [](
Legend's Tale
legend awoke the next evening to a strange smell.
[Quickie For MeisterLi] Under The Twilight
Contains: legend of zelda twilight princess fanfiction, growth, giantess, (non violent) foot crush, (non violent) butt crush author note: so i had a little thingy on twitter where the first person to send me $20 would get whatever flash fiction story they
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Of dragoon legend of legaia legend of mana lunar 1(i gave that to a friend as a b-day gift) lunar 2 masters of teras kasi: star wars mechwarrior 2 megaman legends megaman legends 2 megaman x5 megaman x6 metal gear solid: vr missions
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 12: The First Mission
legend first placing my hand over his as he was about to grab the knife. "mr. legend please don't." i warned him.
pokemon world (FINAL CHAPTER part 2)
#1 of pokemon world {as the dark pokemon tried their best to hold back the many legends all they were doing was becoming easy targets to most of the legends while in the tomb bamut shouted and struggled in pain while dahaka in bamuts father grinned at the