Every Part of the Dragon (Vore Story)
Fuck, he couldn't even tell if he was rubbing at his null spot anymore, or even if it still existed, but it all felt so fucking good.
Seducing the Sky
If you hesitate you will die._ there was no sound in null space, so taj had nothing but the visor readouts to alert him to the gunfire carving through null-space where he'd been just moments ago.
Poem - Life in Haikus
- when hope becomes null and happiness dies; life will feel pointless. - when you feel alone with nothing to keep you strong; life does feel pointless. - but happiness comes; sadness is not all you have; life. is not. pointless.
Bought by the Bitch 3
His cock was restrained in a little null bulge of a ball at his crotch with a paw-pad padlock on the front. it stated ever so perfectly that he was locked up on the order of a canine, something that was just fitting with him being a slave.
Vampires des contes et vampires des rues
Pendant ce temps, les autres membres de la bande se regroupent pour faire face en bloc à cette menace venue de nulle part. la créature, un de ces vampires dont on parle beaucoup pour le moment, les regarde d'un air étrange.
Lactose Tolerant
"he will be off work by the time i get to the null zone dump if i really need a hand."
Always keeping each others powerful emotions bouyed, now there is nothing just null and void. like a machine missing a part, it's the only way i can explain a broken heart.
Chasing the light
I desire the fight, not for the conflict, the momentary null, allowing some healing. the mortuary culled, allowing some mourning. each scar, its own tale of war. each tear, my own hail of tar.
well whatever the case is i have the case of the blues
A glue factory.there is the cold where i belong it's always snowing it's always cold,and there is no food,but i'm in the warmest place there is to know,and yet,i feel so very cold.i should leave the grammer police hunt for me with a shotgun full of null
Summer at the Lakehouse
Pressing its null spot gently under zennith's tail, the skunk squirms slightly, getting comfy.
Poker Night 2
Seth had planned out every single move of this hand but he hadn't accounted for the horse to be null. no, he couldn't be null, he had bet it after all. it started to make sense, he must always keep it detached because it would get in the way otherwise.
First Command
You are **truth** without **love** , without **hate** , just a **voice** swing the **chain** , pendant **glow** , i will **foll** ow the **grand** master **truth** , master **love** , master **hate** , i re **joice** and you **null** ify **thought** ,