Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2
, now that you have a pokedex you can officially catch vulpix now." hakuzo throws one of the empty pokeballs at the fox pokemon. it makes contact and the vulpix is covered in a red light.
jay’s training/threw julia's eyes
Nurse joy looked me over once then smiled and reached under her counter top "you'll need one of these then" as she handed me a pokedex "oh and one of these" she handed me a hand held radio and continued, "the instructions are in your pokedex be sure to read
Scuffle in Viridian City (Chapter 3 of my Pokemon Series)
She nodded, handing the pokedex to him so he could record it and find out exactly what she meant. sure enough, the pokedex showed two pictures, one in front of a blue background, the other behind a faded red.
Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness
Because nicole pulled out her pokedex and said "let's see. . . pokedex. keyword / lookup: suitable, traditional, bayleaf punishments. when the first one listed 'incarceration', she added "for children" as an afterthought.
My Best Friend is a Femboy?! -- The Beginning of a Journey
"alright, here's your pokedex, mike," said gary as he handed out the familiar red pokedex with five other pokeballs. "becareful with it, it has your identification on it as a pokemon trainer. and here are your pokeballs."
You and Me and Pokemon
That will help you fill in your pokedex." "i suppose... but professor, there's something i need to talk to you about..." elm wasn't paying much attention though.
Lily Loves Pokemon - Chapter 6
She was dressed in a pretty yellow spaghetti strap sundress and had brought her massive pokedex with her. most of them were digital these days, but this one was an old-fashioned print-and-paper 4th edition national pokedex.
Prim and Proper, Tim and Harper
She focused as she started to calm the mind of her trainer, allowing her to drop the pokedex. the pokedex clattered to the floor before sophia stepped over it her pads carefully hitting the buttons of contacts.
Tales of Unova, Mission: Martha
Professor juniper handed flo and him a device; the fabled pokedex. they thanked her and she told them to fill up as many pokedex entries as possible, it would immensely help out her research on the origins of pokémon.
The Pikachu Consriracy
"piiiiiiiiika. " "well, i'll just give ash's pokedex a ring and he'll come and get you." "pikachu chu." ash's pokedex buzzed, vibrating quietly on the table next to the sleeping young boy.
David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.14 - My Hero)
Latias carried the beach towel, treecko with the beach ball, latios with the umbrella, and david with his swimming shorts and pokedex. "ok the beach is down south, so let's go forward." the trainer said, looking at his pokedex.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Wallace
"bagon has been registered to your pokedex. bagon the rock head pokemon a dragon type. dreaming of flying one day, it practices by leaping of cliffs everyday."