In Season (original)

**in season** **by mog moogle** a crisp autumn chill hung in the early morning as the brilliant oranges and yellows of the trees filled the air with the sweet scent of decaying leaves.

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Mating Season

Maybe it was because copulation outside of mating season was strictly forbidden by our pack's leaders, or maybe it was the ecstacy of releasing my sticky load for the first time -- but now i desired additional excitement, and with mating season soon coming

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Seasons Passed

It had been two seasons since canterlot. two seasons felt like a lifetime. it was hard to believe that one day she had been staring death in the face, and the next everything was practically back to normal. but what was normal anyway?

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The Spirit of the Season

Thanks for reading, and have a _great_ holiday season.

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Seasons and Leaves

seasons and leaves -ephemeral\_dreams- just as the time ticks by, each second an eternity. must we part this way, each sound a calamity. past haunts us as norm, reminders of the untouchable.

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Our Season

Kratos lifted his head and inhaled deeply. It was a chilling January night and his visible breath was evidence of it. Letting his lungs expel the excess air, He closed his eyes and took note of a faint, sweet scent. "Its almost here," he...


The Season of Giving

. :3 **the season of giving** riddle knew from the second that tarin handed him this particular gift that something was up. the winged wolf could be calm and quiet when necessary.

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The Off-Season

Hiro prepares for the season to come, but a surprise throws his family life for a loop. the summer after eleventh grade was one of the best times of my life.

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Thawing Season

Matthias, like most middle-schoolers, was not a smoker. Matthias, like most middle-schoolers, always pretended to smoke when the temperature dropped. He could hold up a pencil or a twig to his lips and inhale the imaginary tar, then push it out and...

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The losing season

The losing season the big green team bus turn off the road and into a out of the way parking lot, slowly circling around to the entrance of a nondescript building. "what are we doing here coach?"

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The Changing of the Seasons

#6 of esoterica this is a story poem that i had written during the fall to express what i thought about how the seasons change. i thought it would be interesting to personify the seasons and have them change as if to be guards at a post changing shifts.

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Season's Front

The fervid spring had never felt so lush, as if this were the first season.

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