Natural talents (commission for Teryx)
"i just think you're too willing to hypnotize the poor snep. heh, not that i'm complaining, but..." teryx smirked and sat up on the couch, looking right at the camera.
Warm Summer Nights
The taste of a snep's tailhole is rumored to be one of the great wonders of the world", i leaned forward and dragged my tongue across his pucker and paused, listening for his reaction. all that he did was gasp and push his rear towards me.
High Tide (By Valyri)
Pressure - and his quick, bouncing gait would've betrayed his urgency to anyone who looked very closely; but his choice to contribute to that nude-beach dilemma by wearing a red speedo assured most guests had their attention focused on the slender young she-snep
High Tide
Pressure - and his quick, bouncing gait would've betrayed his urgency to anyone who looked very closely; but his choice to contribute to that nude-beach dilemma by wearing a red speedo assured most guests had their attention focused on the slender young she-snep
For The Better [Commission]
Long day today - though recently, every day had been a long day. Lusan sighed and tossed his backpack down against the foot of the wall as soon as his bedroom door closed behind him, long snow leopard tail flicking out of the way just in time. Tonight...
Fucking Like Cats and Dogs
You're quite the talented snep." after a final pat on her pet's head, she was heading out the door again. "just don't let me find cum on the floor when i get home, alright?" she warned. the door shut behind her, and jax blinked at it.
Northern Lights Part 1
The snep spent the better part of the morning training the otter. going over every detail of how to work the register, manage inventory, returns, and new memberships. "as an employee here you are entitled to one free rental a week.
As You Say, Ma'am
She and i are in the same hyena group chat on telegram, and got to talking one-on-one after a while - i think after she heard of my love of femdom.... aaaaand one thing led to another so here's a story about librus, sonarian swan-snep hybrid, clipping a collar
Getaway: Part 6
There's a snep down there. she speaks three languages at least." "pfft." he jumped back to flop onto his bed. "to think, we had to come all this way to find a polcian willing to speak velikan." "nice souvenir, i think." "yeah maybe...
The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House
From coroner to comptroller to department of sanitation head; each accepted their victory with by climbing up on the stage, shaking the snep lady's hand, and giving an extremely confused 'thank you' into the microphone.
A Budding Community, 2 | by DolphinSanity
By the time one of the sneps was about to stammer out a reply, someone else spoke up from off to teryx's left side: a big wolf in his early thirties with bluish-gray body fur and fluffy white underfur.
Speak Only When Spoken To [Patreon Commission]
Three snow leopards in the room, and yet the most prominent scent was still the undeniable and characteristic bitter-salty tang of urine, wafting heavily from the one of them bound with his paws above his head to the headboard of the bed. All of the...