Swole Spider - Commission for Umbreonhyper
Now they looked up at a huge, moist spider dick and its paralyzed owner. angel just stood there, staring back down at them. "awwwwww, crap..." **the end**
Angel Dust: To date a Spider
As his lover suddenly slams his eager spider rump onto marks cock.
Angel Dust: To love a Spider
He was something of a spider morph, age 22 with his spider dna kicking in at 20. originally a cute sassy young man with a curvy figure fair skin and soft blonde hair standing at a fair 5' 10".
'Lordy, The Rings!' or 'Geno and the Spider'
She could tell that the spider was close by the intensity of the light from its icon. the first thing she felt was the hot breath of the spider on the back of her head.
Punishment Game: Spider Web
"Do you tire of your old life?" A message flickered on the top of a search page. Exim sat huddled in the closet his phone producing the only light. Tears ran down his face as he tried to find the fastest and cheapest bus out of this miserable existence...
Spider Empire 03: Warrior
The symbiote was changing into spiders, nearly 100 spiders...
Spider Empire 01: The Rise
Inside he only saw tentacles and spiders, tentacles and spiders playing together...
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Bull
He was becoming a beast out of legend with multi-limbed appendages like the spider that granted him his abilities! peter had hated himself for weeks when he lost himself to the instincts of the man-spider.
Aqua x Wicked Spider
The wicked spider had reached down one massive claw-tipped limb to brush at her bare back. the spider held there and then moved its claw as if stroking or petting her.
A Lucky Day
The spider then went to littlefoot, whose eyes widened in fear. he struggle more in the webs as the spider approached him. a hit from one of the spider's legs in his cheek was enough to make him stop struggling as he yelp and cried in pain.
Potion Cat: Mushroom Witch
She had never heard of spiders eating mushrooms, but then again, what else would a spider eat down here?
Witch Ways: A Fair Trade
Her eyes grew wide as she gasped and the spider continued her assault on the feline's rear. she had been wrong to assume that what had been inside of her rear was every inch of the spider's member.