Chapter 3: The Insect Badge...

"oh... what an interesting strategy you have there sandile... making it so saigo couldn't use leaf tornado on you again for a while. your strategy is very good."

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Noteworthy People

Army, and thus had a high degree of schooling and training in tactics and strategy.

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Paradox - Chapter 2

Looking over to see a glare from lockwood, vaskier said "i was busy with.. creating new strategies for our troops." "oh aye, strategies for picking up women," commented zeidak. "zeidak," said lockwood, looking over at him. "shut it."

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Out of Place - Chapter 2

Alden just shook his head "taryn that is the worst strategy i have ever heard from you. we need to base our strategy off the previous team's attempts to figure out what they won't be expecting."

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War of Spirits: Manual.

This was inspired by my long time love for card, rpg and real-time strategy games, so tabletop gamers might be able to relate. i might change a few things later on, or just leave it as it is, we'll see about that later.

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Embrace of the Serpent Men

I was privy to all the secret passages and escape routes, as well as all defense strategies for the capital. little did these snakes know how valuable i was.

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lone dragon pt3

We have till then to discuss strategy and how to divide the spoils." the old king speaks next, " we know your kingdom is the wealthiest of us three but mine has the iron mines and master metal smiths."

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Immorality - Temperance

"you wanted strategy, you're getting strategy. alba, start us off with calm mind." alba closed his eyes, the gem in the centre of his brow beginning to glow a bright blue.

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Fallout - Dodge and Weave

The actions of our pursuers ran through my subconscious, being cross checked with known patterns, and then used as data to predict future movements and strategies.

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Chapter 4: The Resort Desert

"i was planning on starting out with him regardless of what you chose, to test a strategy of mine so.... here he is." cheren took out a poké ball and sent out a familiar looking bird. his own pidove.

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Egypt's Blood

"look the reason we lost is because they have better weapons and better strategy focused around it if we learn that strategy we can beat them like i beat medern" talmos explained "we know who to make their bows and we make them i say we steal some chariots

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Confronting the Threat of the Enslaving Unicorn

Jen, with her intelligence and strategy, looks for weaknesses in the unicorn and exploits them. the battle unfolds with intensity, the pigs showing bravery and skill in every move.

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