#0 The 0-th in the Bull & Fox stories. Timotay in Trouble
Tim fell down the steps, but scrambled back up on his feet, checking himself for injury. the lion leapt down the stairs, grabbed timotay by the coat collar and dragged him up the steps like a doll, and into the workshop.
The Society, CH 6
The rest of the day had him and alice deal with a car, stolen by someone who thought she was a stunt-woman, and almost ended up killing herself.
University year (part 3)
Sam stands up and says "i'm going to jog up to that bathroom up there, so i'll be back soon!" and he jogs off.
Hook Up (A true story)
It loaded up a window that stated the main features of the app needed location data. with a sigh, i offered up that information. dozens of profiles loaded up before me. some blank as well. many featured pictures of bodies, not so many faces.
Nobody's Good at Everything
I'm sure i can do the rest of the crossing once i'm up there." ariel obliged his friend's request and lifted him up to the first monkey bar, with a grunt as he struggled momentarily to hold his friend up straight.
huaminty is one. Poem
I see their faces in my head, Can you see what I have. Can you feel there pain can you hear there screams? I feel it coming the storm, that will rip apart this society. The pain as the ideals are torn apart, written back together. The changes that...
The Skin Cycle V: Stray Stars
I was made to see the stars glow cold Last night, in sync, With a distant wolf's mourning howl-- Walking home With the nightwind at my back. I had to stop-- Stop, and look about In bewilderment, To wonder where This auditory hallucination Had taken my...
The Spiritual Flight
No matter what timothy tried, the wetting just kept happening and happening; eventually, his parents gave up and decided he would just have to keep using pull-ups at night.
An upcoming story, and an explanation. (Series. -Part 1.)
Anyways, be on the lookout for them, i should have them up in the next two weeks... and as for my first story on here... well, that will be re-written. maybe.
Dreamer's Paradise: The begining
Sitting back up he closed out all the programs still open before wondering if he should leave. looking at the black '?' he decided to click on it. a box opened up stating 'what is your question?'
This is my Fight
I'm not giving up, do you not see, i will tear you asunder if i must. this is why i refuse to die, why you will fall before me in the end. now i take his paw, i grasp it and i hold him close guarding the one who has me.
SNEAK PEEK Cost of Life Novel: Book 1: Love & Loathing CHAPTER 1
Jeremy gasped as chris ran his tongue up the hard pink shaft, flicking his tongue as he reached the tip. chris looked up and smiled at the tiger, who smiled back.