Stars of Time - What Has Been and What Will Be
Also, as you noticed, i started to use soundtrack for this story, and this is music of the youtube, made by the talented emily - rollforfantasy.
Frobidden Love: A simple teaser
Sighing, she still had a good two hours before he would be home so she did what she normally did, watched videos on youtube, drank her soda, and had fun with her vibrating dildo.
Scribbles of the Insane #1
I crawled up in bed, wondering if i should just turn on a youtube video or just stare in space, then i decided to do neither. i started to write this instead, while looks may not be perfect, and the mind may deteriorate, writing can live on.
Furry Fandom survey meme
There seems to have been a pro yiff/anti yiff schism a few years ago, if youtube posts are to be believed 10. in what ways, if any, do women benefit from being in the furry community?
One Another
I knew who he was and love his youtube videos. trenaga cute ears and nose flick around as he giggles and reads his comments as i stare out the window.
The Ultimate Showdown of Old Godzilla
#5 of poetry found a video that did just the first verse on youtube, and i wanted to do the entire song, so i wrote it out here. enjoy. there is some strong language.
The Typo
We could go on youtube to check out some videos." suggested kai. "okay, let's do that." both cubs got up, walking toward kai's computer and opening it up.
Demitri Original version, School project
I went to my computer and gone to youtube and looked up new songs i ran out of thing to put
Bethany Feels 'Horse'
"what if it's like that sewer thing on youtube?! what it eats your legs?" "do something, lillian! i like my legs!" lillian scrambled for the cordless, hit talk, and dialed 911.
Greatest Expectations
He had quickly grown bored with the youtube videos, having memorized every detail of every one.
A traveling Jester: Prelude part 1
In second i added some (\
Father Vs Son
He said, turning away from his son and spreading his arms out wide as he had shouted, as if addressing to an invisible audience "ladies and gentlemen, youtube users and the rest of the world watching. tonight! we watch leon priest, _die_!"