Makai - chapter 1

The whole world shifted, shook its head, "look." snow cloud repeated, in stronger tones, as the darkness leant into me, i felt a hand comfort my entirety all at once and i sank into the touch. i watched.

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Tale 2-5 - A Chance Encounter

The world shifted as the blue moved to roll onto his side, pulling her with him. as he did, two large wings made powerful through flight under the water wrapped about the lady in a living cocoon, shielding her from the harsh world outside.

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"well i don't think dad wants me to keep a pest in the house or as a toy, sorry mom, i'm going to have to get rid of you~" i feel my world shift a bit as his ass cheeks spread and close.

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Promoted or Demoted

He felt his world shift as she got up, he thought maybe now she would push him out or something but after several minutes he heard the tall tale signs of water pummeling against her form.

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Taking a Pounding

Lazmer's world shifted as he felt the shark getting up. when she initially sat up in only caused her sex to compact slightly, enough to smear more of that heated essence into him for a moment until she stood up.

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TSK Chapter One: Dragoness, Meet Demon

Suddenly her world shifted as she was flipped forward, somersaulting in midair and landing on her chest as something heavy - though lighter than she expected - landed on her back and wrenched her arm up into a submissive hold.

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Then the world shifted and turned itself about. smokey had sat himself back up. then it shifted again as he stood. a steady sway followed, no doubt from the dragon's gait as he waddled his way out of the living room.

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The Choices We Make

You haven't awoken, meaning he has shielded you, perhaps without you knowing, from facing a pain so great that your entire world shifts. that everything that you are, breaks, and knits back together in jumbles that you may never recognize as you.

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The Journey of a New Werewolf

The world shifted around him, the trees in his front distorting, and the tall bush he'd charged through shifted and faded away like dissolving from air.

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Lord of arms- Chapter 15

He slowly spoke the words for the contract, feeling the world shift around him. "i, william mcknight, seek a contract with the white tiger.

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Something New

Before terry could appreciate his new freedom he felt the world shift. jist pulled terry's legs over his shoulders and hoisted his whole body up off the ground. terry's hands scrambled for something to hold to, only finding the wolf's ears.

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Chapter 20

shifted violently enough to make rukan wretch as it felt like he was spinning.

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