daring do story
At that point a dart was shot at her, her ears reacted and she ducked.
Reptilian Knights: Chapter Four
I took out a gun magazine that was loaded with darts with a yellow colored substance inside. mega had invented these for situations like this, tranquilizer bullets, one dart and an almost instantaneous effect.
I'll make you a Night Howler :- The Pit
Nick let out a yip and stopped his growling, judy quickly pulled out the dart hopping there was still some tranquiliser in it.
November Challenge #1: What Replaces Talent?
It ripped, it tore, it darted across the page, and she took her pain out on the lines of ink and paper. "no!" 'no' to letting the list of rules ruin what was an accident. "no!"
The Kaikan
The figure pulls out a hallow tube and a dart. the dart was loaded into the tube and struck trace on the arm. trace woke up with the revolver in hand, right when the dart hit trace in the arm. the figure leaped at trace, but trace moved out of the way.
Marto's trip to the Stud Fair
Marto nodded and looked between the two larger males with a soft blush on his cheeks before he'd dart off looking for the fun house.
Furry Anthro Virus (FAVi) Part 4 - Refuge [TF Story]
On his back were a number of small darts that stuck in deep. behind the snake stood several people in bright orange hazmat suits, each wielding a black dart gun. the saviors motioned the friend group over. "come 'ere!! you'll be safe with us!"
Roads Untraveled - Part IX
"So what's different?" Ilaria pulled up some basic sensor readings, but looked over to her new science officer for clarity. "Last time the Earth hadn't gotten past Medieval times, so I'm guessing something's different here too. We getting radio...
The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron
A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. the darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. at higher levels. one more dart for each level above 1st.
You Only Live Large
_ more guards with more dart guns ran out of the metal door and started opening fire. but the _smell!_ _no, stop, silly! you'll get--_ harry's big belly caught a full load of darts.
3 - Shiva - Ablitys Awoken
But they were late by the time they realized what has happened the a ship has de-cloaked above them and matthew and mel were hit by tranq dart with darts already heading to nel, lee and aura. next thing that happen was unique.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep09
Jale was leading him on like this till they reached the top of a building, then threw one of his sharp darts at hazard. the wolf reacted quickly and guarded himself with his blade, deflecting the dart and stopping him on his feet.