Wages: Chapter Nine
They told him that there was a chance, crazy as it sounds, that upon that day he had met two creatures thought to be long extinct. he remembered having done a project in high school discussing the new world war.
Light Bane: Chapter 44
Unable to handle the fact that you will be the cause of our extinction?" "we are not going to go extinct, sacri. we are--" "yes, we do!" interrupted sacrisantis. the light wyvern's expression turned to anger.
Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster
If it did, the human population would be extinct in a matter of a few waves of attack.
Monster Mankind Chapter 1
The people are aware that humans are extinct and have been for quite some time. in the simplest terms, mythos state was a place meant for people with their needs and knowledge.
The Human War- Description
Bh has declared war putting the lives of the almost extinct humans and the hostages they captured at risk.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 52: Acceptance Part I
This structure saved our kind from extinction when our world became inhospitable. but now it is in danger."_ _"equis how?"_ the second horse asked joining the first looking out the window.
Unyeilding Warriors: Prologue
The scientists and researchers at the observatory were certain of only one thing: whatever the sun was about to do, it would rival that of the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Five Limericks About Unicorns
Five limericks about unicorns by bunnyhops ~~~ the myth of unicorns is ponderous not believing is just preposterous i've seen them in zoos on multiple views oh, wait, that's just a rhinoceros ~~~ unicorns are all but extinct except
Sci-Fi Game Demo
Realizing that the potential for extinction was great, the 'avacapai', an emergency council of your elders and the human leaders, sought to build emergency ships...
Zootopia Park 3/??
"you're planning on introducing extinct predators into a city populated majorly by prey species? it's an insane notion." "joseph, your judgement to stick to your morals no matter the cost is the reason i adore you.
Chapter 2 - The Sixth Curse
One who knew of the curse, an impulsive, vengeful little deviant by the name of tyyfaala va-wyuun, decided to personally see to the extinction of guil muntrus's bloodline. you see, after his mind was erased he took the name hammil goud.
More than human: Myths among men
"you know, there's a reality where hybirds brought your precious humans to extinction, there's one where humans never even existed. so many infinite amounts of possibilities out there and yet you still cling on to this reality."