Station 285
Public indecency, resisting arrest and most often the case, vandalism via graffiti, usually at illegal outdoor raves in rundown rail yards and where houses.
The Upstanding Citizen Chapter 2
All around me i see crudely scrawled graffiti but one bit written in thick permanent marker jumps out at me.
Before and After - Simon
In other places, though, the graffiti was more deliberate. desi noticed more than a couple anti-surface slogans.
Ouija order Lover - Chapter 2: Ignardo
He found a tall figure leaning against a graffitied wall, from a distance in the darkness of the alley it was hard to see, however, as he got closer, the doberman noticed that it was a male figure, with his arms crossed over his pectorals, back pressing against
United We Evolve
And if they do evolve we will be sure not to shun them like the humans did as our leader says to us every day "we are living for a united today and a united future " which is really corny but has a meaning just as a bit of graffiti on the tram stop outside
Exploration At It's Finest
"nah, there's cracks in this building, graffiti everywhere, and this is a small building, not a large one!" i quitely yelled, if that's even possible. surly smirked, and pointed over to the other side of the building. damn, he sure was right!
Mascot Purgatory
Weeds had run riot over the long neglected land, and the vandals had spray-painted assorted obscene and gang related graffiti wherever available surfaces could be found.
It Finally Starts
All of these books are new, so that means there is no graffiti in it. class i want you all to take care of your books, so the next class to use this set of books will be able to use them just as well as you did.
Ben Likes Cream and Pie
All over the giraffe's body was graffiti written in marker, "bitch, slut,cock sucker, cum bucket." the largest word was slapped right across his back, "snitch!"
The Lusty Dragon
graffiti lined walls closer to the street but as he went deeper, where few would tread it was just the darkend brick. each step taking him deeper and deeper, further and further into the cloak of darkness.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 20 - Indiana
Neglected homes and graffitied buildings left and right faced lake michigan to the north, while toll booths stood westward between the once-bustling suburb of an automotive capital and the shining metropolis skyline of lakertown.
I'd grown accustomed to the ancient graffiti and foul smells of each dark alley, knowing the residents and what places to avoid trouble. or find pleasure. "speaking of pleasure..."