Parabellum - The Beginning
Si vis Pacem, Para Bellum. If you wish for Peace, Prepare for War. It means, if you have a bigger stick, nobody's gonna fuck with you. Now, Just as thay always have been since they were founded, Parabellum is the organization that has been...
Shipping and Manhandling - Katrina
#4 of kuroko's finest kuroko's finest provides many services, and one of the less frequent is what they call 'shipping and manhandling' essentially kidnapping for fantasy bdsm purposes. f/f, kidnapping, figging, hot peppers, and other stuff!
Customer Service
"walter gallin, you're under arrest for kidnapping, extortion, attempted murder, illegal sale of a controlled substance, attempted manslaughter, manslaughter, and murder in the first degree. you have the right to remain silent..."
Faith Containment Log: Shatter
Attachment #1 incident report incident location: this "kidnapping", quotations used because the victim went seemingly willingly, took place not far from the club closest to facility #13.
Inuyasha X Kohaku (part 1)
I thought you were the demon who kidnapped my sister\>\> explained the boy. \<\
Invasive Recruitment
"Hmm, he don't look like much." The kangaroo said, peering through a small pair of binoculars at the spotted brown cat. A flash of blue caught the eye from his nose, inner ears and the pads on his palms and digits. "You sure this is the one?" ...
Female-On-Male Tickle Rape: Shining Armor.
If only if i could have killed that bitch, or kidnap him, or even-'' she then looks shocked. ''wait a minute........ kidnap........'' she then smiles an evil smile, thinking of her devious plan. ''that's it.......
high school love chapter 3
The cops had just left and my mom and dad we 20 minuets out when the kidnapers showed back up with josie.
GoD-Ep6-Future Despair-
It meant that in some cases regular people would be kidnapped and taken somewhere within the dream world, but with george and the other heroes some of these people that were kidnapped would become their new teammates.
MF-Ep15-Tracking the mastermind-
Lastly the pattern of kidnappings at museums and the school could lead that the museums are connected along with the school itself.
Price of Survival: Part 1
"kidnap me?" "caval?" the man laughed heartily. "we have much to discuss." he got up and walked over to the door. "come." the guard seemed uncertain and had his hand on the pommel. the man frowned. "away with you.
The Human Pokémon Chapter 1
He pondered the notion of someone kidnapping him before his pokégear rang. "so, michael, how do you like it?" mike recognized the voice instantly. "benjamin? ben! i'm in a faraway place and i don't know how i got here. what happened to me?"