
We've known each other since high school, he moved in during my sophomore year and we kinda hit it off well from the start.

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Sexual Healing

She licked it clean, and it kinda hurt when she did that, kinda like it felt so good it hurt, but i don't know. and now i shall recall the moment i had waited for.

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Delayed destiny ch 2

We kinda just took off and left alex there. we don't even know what kinda condition he's in." "well it can't be too bad, i mean we would have had cops show up looking for us if he was actually hurt bad." "ya i guess that's true.

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The Hive is Me

I got kinda moist. but then instead it talked to me. or i kinda heard it speak in my head "your majesty, what are your orders?" it asked. yeah i know! but think of me as a little cat girl in puberty instead! i had never been called 'majesty'.

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Take Off Your Pants and Sneakers - Part 6

Except they kinda do.' 'what do you mean?' 'come on, what do think? they're always too afraid to ask.

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Pay the Bills #3: Awkward Intercourse

"you just looked kinda sad and nervous, i guess." "don't!" the otter interrupted. "don't what?" "i...i mean, you can leave your shirt off, if you want," the otter said quietly, "i think you look kinda...hot, y'know, without it..." gabe smiled.

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Peer Mentoring

I was kinda checking him out in the café, but he yelled at me for texting so loud, so that kinda killed it, and then i tripped him and i kinda freaked out about my paper. i wasn't really thinking about him like that until..."

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New Beginning

It kinda collapsed the bridge we were on at the time. if the guardian deity of the island hadn't saved us, i'd probably be unconscious downriver somewhere. i have no idea what her friend "nebby" is yet, but i won't pry.

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Messy Missi

"smells kinda nice..." missi licked the surface of the sticky brown turd, coating her tounge in chunky brown lumps. she mixed the feces around her mouth a little and swallowed. the taste was so nice- it tasted nutty, and kinda like earwax.

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Friends With Benifits

The stuff just kinda comes out from me every time i change." human boy: "well.... it smells kinda nice... taste kinda weird though." wolf boy: "wait, you tasted it?" human boy: "yeah why?" wolf boy: "cuz that's how i started changing!"

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I push deep into her stoping and i came deep into you, andmy body kinda shivers and i grip the bed as i cum hard and a lot. she removed her claws from my back. "that felt so good.." she murrs and kissed me. i am breathing kinda hard.
