Aquata Cove - Chapter 12

The merman let out a cry for help, screeching for any animal, anything to come in and fight!

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 75

"some do," merrick said, "not a lot of merfolk would go on land at all though, given the fear of surface. but if we don't sense anyone nearby on some beach or island, some merfolk do mate in human form."  

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 38

You're rolling in your own blood while a butchered up merman is spiraling in madness, alone and royally pissed off!" she shook her head as nigel stood himself up on his feet, "nigel... this has gone far enough."

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Tail Of The Merdragon

The deity known as venus turned women into mermaids- but a mermaid's kiss can also create a new mermaid, so not all mermaid have encountered the venus. ural had been created by another- an example of power falling into the wrong hands.

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Slippery When Wet

It was also plenty loud enough for a nearby mermaid to hear.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 3

The merman turned and looked curiously at adam . . . holding some weird object onto his face?   flash!   the merman jumbled in the water as a white light flashed in only one instant!

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Area51: The One That Got Away

Below, a dark shape flowed upward, far larger and more serpentine than the classical mermaids and merman his friends were becoming. the head and shoulders emerged, long blonde hair, framing the most handsome face he'd ever seen.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 40

It's one thing to capture and interrogate a merman! he's considered an unclassified animal, and i can't change that!"

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Arrival at Brittany

I ask the merman, "no hunter. there were three bodies and this unmovable man." i bow my head, "thank you. please tell your queen we thank you for this aid." the merman gives a salute and dives back into the ocean. "astonishing!

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 49

The merman dug out in the sand, and pulled out adam's trunks. adam always loved a game of find-the-trunks, but now it seems like he hates it.  

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Seduction of the Sea

The merman, however, didn't answer back: still sporting a manic grin on his face - made even more dangerous and creepier by his new pointed teeth - the merman wrapped his powerful and nimble tail around dae's legs, restraining him with surprising grace.

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