Drachenherz Teil 64
fear kratzte sich nur an der stirn und antwortete:"leider ja." fear trug zwei graue schulterplatten, die mit zwei überkreuzten bändern, in dessen mitte ein silberner anhänger war zusammenhing.
Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying
And we fear things we can't understand. there is just one fear that has been living for thousands of years, a fear that just cannot be crushed, a fear we could never understand, is the fear of death. there is no possible way of stopping it.
I Hate Titles
fear of danger, fear of injury or death, fear of the unknown, perhaps even fear of fear. they take their fear, grasp the reins, and take control. even still, these are nonetheless predictable and controllable fears. skydivers wear parachutes.
Crazy Cat Lady
"for someone named 'fear', you sure as hell aren't acting very afraid." she said with a growl in her voice. "h-how can i be afraid? i shouldn't be scared right now. we're in the middle of...the middle of fun..."
Dragonheart Part 64
Just before asking fear was what he meant shadow shouted: "hey, let me go you bastard!" the two looked at shadow, who seems like his old self was. "fear, you fucking liar!
Izzy's Diary
I'm scared of going out there.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Four
"the polar opposite of fear: bravery." he allowed this revelation to sink in before continuing. this time, he pointed at the mythics that were still shooting arrows and magic at the fear feeder.
Dracius: Origins Part V
I found myself scared that he had left. frightened that he would not come back or that someone else would take his place. i began to fear that the humans would harm him if he left or went out too far.
Broken Home - Chapter Four -
"afraid...scared...always scared..." it flinched again and dropped onto its belly, cowering in terror. "you...you're not a feral are you - you're a...a...oh my god...please, let me help you, it's okay to be scared, but i'd never hurt you, i swear!
a quiet dark
fear. he studies that one word he tries to... rationalize it "fear," he calls out. "a mountain," she says. "scared," he adds. "the dark," she counters. "love." he looks at his list of emotions. she looks at him.
Oh Joy... I Got Reincarnated as a Dragon in Wings of Fire and now Every Dragon Wants Me Chapter 2
fear. i know how fear feels like. at least, i thought i knew.