Going Against the Demons

And it's all because of how he speaks. he doesn't speak the modern language of the magi. he was born with the tongue of ancient language. most dragons are born with the language of the late magi.

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Ragnarok - Prologue

But muses speak no more. i know not how to call them down again, to wake them up, to catch their bright contagion of the tongue, then i could speak as i would speak.

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Experiment 214 (Chapter 1)

"we'll have to teach you both how to speak, obviously. but you should both be able to grasp the concept relatively easily. damian has already been trying to speak." the doctor looked at shawn. "can you stand?" shawn looked at the doctor, confused.

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Of Rivals And Romantics (A1, B11, C34)

"do you speak swedish or german? we could ask him, if you wish." she grinned. "no, i speak english and a few words of spanish. that's it." "how are you so well learned if you speak only english?"

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Wolfie Steel: Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 26

After countless minutes of basking, we finally manage to disengage from each others butts, i stand to the side and look at the folf and the rottweiler and speak. "we will not speak of this again."

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Damian, 4 years old

"yes, father, i can speak." he spoke. he could speak, why had he let him agonize like this is he could speak. he shoved the anger aside and hugged his son.

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The First Trial of Maynard the Coydog

speak of what you saw and mince not words - we are all honest men here."

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Loss for Words

He lost more and more of his ability to speak certain words, but he wasn't sure how he lost the ability to speak some words, or the words he couldn't speak, as he couldn't think about what they even were.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 36

How can a man _understand_ our language and yet not speak it?" "this was my error, uncle. lu chen speaks cantonese chinese, and apparently speaks very little english.

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Priest; Grim Aspects

The tomcat speaks up now, flustered with confused anger as he speaks, "if you are a priest than why are you not back at your village? i've never seen a actual priest leave his home chapel."

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Spirit Bound: Historical Data

Liam refuses to speak of this life at all, leaving it a complete mystery, including how much _liam_ knows of this life.

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