A Single Point
Space was vast.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - W is for Worship
Savage, frenzied, a feral beast as he stuffed kaz impossibly full of his vast barbed cock and emptied his balls into the snow leopard's pussy again and again.
At the Protector's Feet
With that i fell backward and landed in the webbed space between his vast toes.
Capacity Testing
They could make love together as long, as hard, as obscenely as they wanted, and not turn the world into one vast, all consuming orgy. and with that certainty in mind, that was exactly what the two foxes did.
Running on Empty
He spoke between playful kisses and flicks of his tongue, and after the last word was uttered the dragon's maw opened wide, and engulfed as much of the mouse's vast cock as he could handle.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives
Another interesting bit of knowledge they shared was that the vast continent was sinking. it had vast air crystal deposits on its underside but not enough to keep it aloft.
Brimstone and Steel Prologue
Rael, the blacksmith, lay on the floor as though asleep, the only clue to his death being the vast cut on his throat, and the pool of blood surrounding him.
Otterly Intimate Space
Even those who only wanted normal anal sex were suprised to find how comfortable the vast universe that lay inside their ass.
The Chronicles of Tidaka’s realms prolog.
He had destroyed it along with his home and for that matter the entire universe he had lived in. that was before he had any degree of control over his vast amount of power.
Goodnight, Goddess
Shira made hir way along a vast landscape of sapphire blue.
The Ride to the Function
The car ground to a halt, the vast nose diving perhaps a full foot. it was then that the rear door open and a battered cat in an old, filthy coat seated herself in the vast rear seat, gazing forward as impassively as the dingo beside me.
World of Osmis: Nations
Erossia:- a vast desert nation in the south eastern reaches of the romos continent.