Chocolate Syrup
Duke: duke rocheister hands you chocolate syrup.
Fan Service Part 1
You're duke rocheister, aren't you?" i didn't receive a vocal answer, but i could see a small grin form along his muzzle as he took his shot.
Pup Bros (+SFW Story)
_"Come on Duke. Don't be such a baby now." Matt muttered, trying not to sturr Duke's emotions even more. He had visited his dear friend and bro a few days ago, yet as it seems it was anything but an ideal time to do so. "I'm not a baby, man. I am...
Chronciles 4 - Duke Rocheister (final entry)
#4 of chronicles of d.o.g the fourth and final installment of duke rocheister's chronicles of d.o.g _7/15/2016 [18:43]_ chronicles of d.o.g - entry 4:_duke rocheister (finale)_ _ _ \>nathan and i decided to meet with echolorial at the boardwalk
Chronicles of D.O.G - Entry 1: Duke Rocheister
#signingoff duke rocheister & company © me, duh
Chronicles of D.O.G - Entry 2: Duke Rocheister (Prt. II)
#signingoff duke rocheister & company belong to me, duh
Chronicles of D.O.G - Entry 3: Duke Rocheister (Prt III)
_ _ _7/14/2016 [23:58]_ Chronicles of D.O.G - Entry 3:_Duke Rocheister (Part III)_ \>Okay so I might've lied. This isn't the final part yet of my story. #sorrynotsorry #LOL \>While Echolorial recovered from his injuries at the hospital, Nathan and...