Family History - Ch2
_2196_ I had had to take a break from writing the family history after the first chapter. Finishing off the last of the historical fiction novels I was contracted for had become a lot easier after writing my first chapter of real history. Then, in...
Family History - Ch3
**Family History - Ch3** _2197_ A rainy day and I was behind on my writing. Some things can't be hurried, but this was starting to frustrate me. I was leaning back from my desk with my new glasses perched on my nose as the holographic display in...
A Lesson in Future History
Morlei was testing out his new clone body. The circuits inside the melded technological/biological brain were still working out the kinks. It was taking some adjustments in getting used to having his own body back and not...
Family History - Ch4
_2197_ After Dr Teale's defection, facility alpha was rapidly shut down, left empty. Dr Teale know of two other facilities, named beta and gamma, but he did not know their location. In the highly connected place the world had become, that didn't...
Family History - Ch1
_2196_ In earlier times, I'd have thrown my pen across the room at this level of frustration. The virtual keyboard and holographic display in front of me didn't throw so well. I was three chapters into the third of the novels on my contract and I'd...
Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 02
"haven't used it since 1932 when i was doing research for a future history. rather wish i'd known about parallel worlds back then. my predictions might not have gone as far askew as they did."
The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 1 A New Beginging
''i think that we'll be on the future history books.'' while both tom and michael nodded michael spoke. ''true, but just remember that the history is written by the victor.
Thane of Hearts, Part three
Askuld is charged with delivering the message, and travels along with rafn who has a knack for shaping future history.
Pokémon MD: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Six
Jack now knows about the past and future history of this world and his own, and with the knowledge that the future of mankind is dying, he'll stop at nothing to see those mirrors destroyed."
10 - ATOI&F - And Then There Was Silence...
Now, i know a little more of future history than you do. not the first time i've done this, let me assure you. i know of only one person that fits the bill, really."
CARDBOARD Episode 2: THe Stellar Failsafe
Hopefully actual history this time and not future history. probably best we try learning as little about the future as possible." "right, because we might do something to change it and that could create a time paradox." lockely nodded.
Everwinter Ch35: Mote of Light
In the best case scenario you merely kill yourself, and become a footnote in future history books. that, or you can do as i say, and we can talk freely... no secrets, and you have my word that none of you will come to any harm."