Junkyard Dogs
junkyard dogs it was 9:00 in the morning for a little apartment tucked away toward the southeastern part of town. the angry buzz of an alarm clock cut through the otherwise peaceful din of morning.
The Junkyard Dogs: New Potential
The junkyard dogs: recruitment by: russell rottweiler with the sun high in the sky and only the sliver of shadows cast from compacted cars as a reprieve the scrapyard was balmy.
Junkyard dogs part two
Travis awoke with a muted gasp; he looked at his surroundings and slowly returned his confused mind to reality. Taking a moment, the tiger gave a visual sweep of his current location; there wasn't much to see from the Doberman's part of the...
Lady and the Tramp: Tramp's Trails, Troubles and Tribulations
He didn't need the junkyard dogs, he would find his own family soon. **~fin~**
H&DP: Junkfood Dog
#1 of scraps the original version of the prequel to 'hotweillers and doughberman porkers' where dominic, at his job as a junkyard dog, starts really developing his gluttonous lifestyle.
IMProved Procedure
Besides, gripping the knot while the junkyard dog sprayed and maybe getting a few licks in would make for a nice little clip for her onlyfiends channel.
A Necessary Thing
The former junkyard dog leader sighed. "how's it feel tramp? how's it feel being _stuffed_ like a _turkey_?" tramp whimpered and kept himself from looking at buster, still feeling like a disgrace.
Blade’s Adventures – 01 - The junkyard’s dog
Another junkyard dog had worked for a whole afternoon to weaken the wooden planks, almost finishing before he had to run home. he lost his chance, and now blade was going to enjoy the fruits of his comrade's labor.
Junkyard Love, part 1 (Breaking Boundaries)
This is a story requested someone who wishes to remain anonymous, it is about the love between a junkyard dog and a human, because love knows no boundaries between species or gender.
Disney Yiff: Scamp's Story
He so desperately wanted to find the gang of junkyard dogs so he could join.
Two For One
The family she lived with didn't mind him being there but once a junkyard dog always a junkyard dog. he figured one day he would go to stay there since peace was given but till then he enjoyed his home.
The Cup
After drinking from the cup of the carpenter for several days, the poor cat was beseiged one day by an especially nasty junkyard dog, who seized brice by the neck and whipped the feline viciously from side to side, breaking his spine.