A dark magick user. They live in seclusion as they are feared due to their power. Most Magi gain or expand their power by making deals with demons or dark spirits. They can conjure the elements at will and use the very shadows as...
Encyclopedia, M - P
I slowly pulled up to the old Iranian cafe; it was a nice place, classy hole in the wall and old man Bassam was a good guy. Knew how to make real coffee, his son would cook the pastries, help with inventory and this and that, a nice family business of...
Anthros, Criminal, Death, Human, Violence (Not In Yiff), no sex
so it's true
i am unlovable
so it's true
i will never truly be happy
nothing needs to rhyme
when my whole life is out of sync
so the hole in my heart stays
i just wanted to be
Death, Male, Poem, Poetry, Sergal, Solo
P-u-m-p-k-i-n-pump_kin!_" the audience chuckled at her cheer-leader-esque flourish.
"lyza: caterpillar."
she began to lose focus; the images in her vision began to tremble and bounce. "c--c-catapillar. c... a... t...
Boy, Boys, Bunny, Bunny rabbit, Canine, Character Development, Feline, Female, Girl, Lagomorph, Male, Marsupial, Panda, Poodle, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, School, Story Progression, Story Series, Sugar Glider, Tiger, competition, girls, panda bear, rivalry, rivals
His parents had just dropped him off in front of the big camp with lucas, the big ragged sign read the following c a m p j e r a n t o, camp for boys.
Anal, Cub, Fox, Male, Wolf
C-o-m-p-u-t-e-r. pretty soon, this will be your best friend. let's start by turning it on. can you turn it on? start with that big, green button. push it. good. hear it buzz and whirr? that means it's working...and pretty soon, you will be too!
Canine, Hybrid, M/F/F, Pregnancy, Story Series, childbirth
he spelled it out, having had more than enough variations in the past to know not to leave it to the staff to try and figure out based on audio clues alone.
Casual Sex, Casual nudity, Cat, Cock, Cum, Cumming, Cunnilingus, Exhibitionism, Feline, Female, Humping, Knot, M/F, Male, Nudity, Oral, Orgasm, Public, Pussy, Riding, Sabretooth Tiger, Sheep, Skunk, barista, coffee shop, public sex
Doug evans)
code of furries
vs. 1.3
fcfp3a a-- c- d h+ m p r++ t++++ w z+ sm++ rle\* a+ cn++ d-- e+++ f h++++ i++ j p++ sm\* ;)
moon dancer is copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002. by douglas w. evans. all rights reserved.
Bisexual, Fox