Experiment 261 Chapter 12
Chapter 12 :Minor Revelations? Jana woke as the curtains of the lobby opened and light flooded the room. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light and then wiped the sleep from her eyes. A grey and white furred Bobcat woman was opening the second...
Experiment 261 Chapter 9
Chapter 9 : Designed for Discomfort The aging Doberman was uncomfortable. He had been sitting in the crappy folding metal chair in the interrogation room for too long. The room he was in was only adding to his discomfort. It was a small room with...
Experiment 261 Chapter 11
Although the police station was air conditioned, it had been hot and uncomfortable in the flight suit. her fur was wavy from her sweat. jana would have liked to take a shower, but it was too late at night.
Experiment 261 Chapter 7
Chapter 7 :Sharing the Results Jana had only been waiting a little while before Nicole Nkosi came into the lobby. "Hi Jana. I will be your escort until tonight, OK?" Jana smiled. "I have a choice?" Nicole smiled and changed the subject rather...
Experiment 261 Chapter 5
Soon after the informal interview was completed the apc arrived at the police station. it was a fairly large police station, with detention facility inside.
An Unplanned Event
As the helicopter hovered over Japan, the famed and the mysterious Maj kept inside, Maj had been contacted to help solve this case that puzzled even the 2nd greatest detective, it was a killing spree in Japan of an unidentified murder targeting...
Experiment 261 Chapter 8
Back at the police station, jana was busy talking to her parents on a rugged police issue tablet that had been set up on a stand so she could call her parents. tears were streaming down her face and her parents faces.
Spread 'em...down in the police locker room...
station's air conditioned locker room he was so thankful that at least inside of the station there was relative peace.
Foot in the Door
Looks nothing like a police station from the outside. council lacked funds, and here we are. single-floor compact office building built from cheap concrete. walls painted in cigarette yellow.
DISCOVERING DAD'S SECRET PART 2 punishment at the police station
Meanwhile victor's dad and officer cranston were in the police station walking with a prisoner that was caught earlier in the morning, and they were headed to the bathroom of all places and when the three of them got there victor's father grabbed the crocodile
Collar of the Wild 6
He flicked the siren on and began weaving through traffic, intent to get them. \*\*\*\* the door to the police station opened as garrett and maddox moved back in.
Mistakenly Caught
Tags: m/m, body reading, anal, bondage, size difference, mouse, zebra, tiger, manipulation, super powers, power bottom, feet, cops lose, salla, interrogation, police station,