Direza's Trials
**Direza's Trials** Direza breathed deeply of the unfamiliar air - 'fresh', a surface-dweller would presumably call it, to distinguish it from the dense, stale air of the deep caverns. For her, that moist cave-air had always been the norm - it was...
Musk Stream Story 4: Couple at the Cart
However, after an hour of the torture, several people perked up their noses and started walking his way. studley smiled, still leaning on the front of his cart with his furry fingers folded.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 7
His eyes were wide open, some tears were flowing down his cheeks, a piece of a tongue was hanging from his opened mouth, he had to bit it accidently during this torture, severing a tongue using your own teeth is no small feat, but when circumstances
The legend of a warrior: chapter 22 - The heirs
several locks of his long mane as she shrieked, his hands grasping her firmly from the side and moving her whole body easily up and down along his monstrous shaft.
What If Mike Had Lived? Chapter 2: Interrogation And Rescue
She also was no doubt going to be tortured severely again. the civet left for a minute. when he returned, the three feline males surrounded marla. the government agents undid her chains and roughly pulled her up from the floor.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 59: Saving Diana
Killer knew that diana had been tortured several times in the past, by inquisitors coming from the underworld: she had been savagely punished for each and every time that she had met killer against the orders of the council.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 79 - Boadicea
Her eyes had kept their golden irises, and were now framed by swirling flames and tribal symbols, not tattoos, but burn marks that, instead of vanishing, had rearranged to form drawings that would forever tell of her courage under torture.