Unending Love - S1, E9-10 Trailer
**anga appears, worried.** anga: kion! maalum! kion: anga? what's going on? anga: it's the queen. i don't know what she has, but i think it's about their pregnancy. kion: hevi kabisa!
Unending Love: Trying To Fix Things - S1E9
Then anga appears, worried.** anga: kion! maalum! kion: anga? what's going on? anga: it's the queen. kion: the queen!? maalum: \*worried\* rani?! anga: something's not right. i don't know what it is exactly but i think it's about her pregnancy.
Unending Love: Everyone Against Kion - S2E1
anga: \*appears\* kion! kion! kion: anga? what's up? anga: it's chuluun. she wants to talk with you. it's about maalum. kion: ok. lead the way. anga: follow me. janja: goodbye, my love. kion: goodbye, sexy.
Unending Love: Good News, Bad News - S2E10
anga: kion. do you want us to leave so you can talk with fuli? bunga: oh. oh. do you want to patrol with us this morning? kion: anga. can you lead this morning's patrol? anga: sure, kion. bunga: \*sad\* so you won't patrol with us?
A Mjuzi's Love
anga uses her keen eyesight and detects some movements in a tall tree, not far from the tree of life. "i see something." "very well, anga." says kion. "show us the way." "anga lenga!" anga accelerates and the others accelerate behind her.
Unending Love - A Kion and Maalum Love Story | Season 1 - Episode 3 & 4 TRAILER
anga: you're ok, kion?! what's happening?! kion: i can't find maalum anywhere. after some time, ono guides kion to nirmala and surak in the forest. surak: we found some footprints. later that day...
Ferice and Fast - Chapter 2
The family of snow monkeys that anga and bunga had been playing with were in the direct path of the rushing snow and, with little time to react, the guard sprang into action to save them.
Tales of the Stout Bulwark: First Assembly
angas?" "there's a species of edible seaweed here that the eggheads at gas thought was hyper-dense in carbohydrates.
Unending Love: Journey To The Pride Lands - S1E15
anga: see you. anga lenga! \*flies away\* bunga: i can't wait to see my uncles timon and pumbaa. zuka zama! \*leaves\* kion: goodnight, everyone. maalum: kion. what about me and kijana? we don't know where to go. kion: hmmm... ah! i know!
MAALUM: Chapter 7 - My Place In The Circle Of Life
anga, ono, bunga, beshte and fuli leave, leaving maalum with kion. "don't worry, maalum." kion tries to comfort maalum. "we will find a solution." "it's not worth it, kion." maalum has never felt so low. "i don't belong here.
Baliyo x kion
By the time we got back to the pride lands it was almost time to go into labor baliyo of course was incredibly protective because i have our cubs inside me so was the rest of the guard fuli would run forword to look for any dangers anga would also search the
Next ono and anga flew off towards the trees to roost, bunga, meanwhile, passed out more or less where he was sitting, face planted in the dirt, butt in the air. before long, the only ones left awake were fuli, kion and azaad.