Life of a Trainer (Ch. 2)
**Hello again, guys, and welcome back to Life of a Trainer!** **Yes, I know I've been gone for a while, but that did not give** **me an excuse to not write!** **All I have to say is,** **THIS IS NOT A TRAINER'S TALE!!** **Roll the film....
An Advanced Reality
**_Hey guys, MLGDraconCraft here, and this is (hopefully) the beginning of a new series._** **_I worked on this for a few days, so not long._** **_By the way, sorry I've been away for so long. RL, and the whole deal with my family._** **_Anyways, I...
Life of a Trainer(Ch. 1)
**_So yeah, this is a first for me, hope you guys enjoy._** **_Roll the film!_** _Brrrrriiiinnngg!_ "Jaden, get up!" Groggily, Jaden threw off his covers and smacked the alarm so hard it stung his hand. The unpleasant sound of the alarm and his...
Legends of Dragons: The Beginning, Prologue
_ **Roll the Film!** _ * * * _The slender shadow of a man_ crouched in the bushes, deathly still as he waited for his prey. Pure white irises shone under deathly white bangs. Skin colored maroon gave the appearance that he was always bleeding. These...
An Advanced Reality, Ch.2
**Hello once again, my fellow furs, and welcome back to An Advanced Reality! Now that I'm back in the fray (that's one of my favorite bands, by the way), I decided that I should start cranking out stories more often. So, here we go! I hope you guys...
A Virtual Wish, Chapter Four
"Cain?!" "I'll explain on the way. He's after us." I shake my head in amazement as he takes off into the air. My wings spread out and fill with air, and I zhoom (shzoom) off after him. After I've caught up with him, he begins to explain what's...
A Virtual Wish, Chapter Three
I feel myself hovering in a semiconscious state, locked in my Coffin. It won't let me out fully until I specifically decide to Rise, and now that won't be for another few days, or until I regain consciousness in the Sleep so I can decide that. My...
A Virtual Wish, Chapter Two
I yawn and stretch as I throw off my covers and pull on a shirt. I rub my eyes while heading downstairs for breakfast. The whitewashed walls burn my eyes like they always do in the mornings, with their brilliant whiteness as the sun reflects off of...
A Virtual Wish, Chapter 1
I stare out over the crowded streets below me. Random pedestrians who happen to glance up at me wave and shout something--likely 'good luck' or something like that--but the wind is too loud. Their words are carried away long before I hear them. In...
Reference Guide.
I decided to make a reference guide for all the terms I think you guys might not know that I use, so here goes. BTW, I'm gonna be adding to this list when I come across a term that I haven't mentioned yet. VirtNet: The virtual reality that everyone...
A Life in High School, Ch. 8
**So, yeah. This is short, so I hope you guys enjoy!** **One tip: about eight months after the previous chappy.** **Roll the Film!** _Colton's P.O.V_. _I waved to my mom_ as I drove out of the driveway and turned down the street. The...
A Life in High School, Ch. 7
**Hello, and welcome back to How to High School.** **I am just kidding, I do not know a single thing about how to do High School.** **But I do know how to write, so enjoy the chappy!** **Roll the film!** ** ** ** ** Rend's P.O.V. _ _ _"No!" I_...