Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone

Before leaving i spotted a azurill hopping about and decided to throw a pokeball and catch it. "azurill has been registered to your pokedex. azurill the polka dot pokemon a normal and fairy type. its tail is filled with nutrients necessary for growth.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Dewford Gym

Next a tuber challenged me with a azurill and i sent out my dustox having him use poison sting defeating the fairy type azurill.

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Operation Snowpoint

The azurill says all bubbly, as he moves his tail upward to drape across the vap's back. "so what's the game plan today, cascade?" the buizel asks.

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Christopher's Journey in Johto, Chapter 2

The tiny mouse let loose an arc of electricity at the azurill, making it cry out in pain as it connected. though azurill are not water-type pokémon (they are, in fact, now deemed part fairy), the electric-type attack still damaged it significantly.

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POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 5 : Expedition Adventure : Legends Of The Time Gears :

Have you've guys met marill and his little brother, azurill yet? we told them all about you guys especilly you vector so marill azurill meet the one and only team chaotix! team chaotix meet marill and azurill."

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1

"oh dad," replied the little azurill. "you think we'd miss you leaving port this time? we never get to see you take off!" little jakey the azurill was alluding to how the brothers normally give farewell to their father.

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POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 6 : Time Travel : Secrets Revealed :

Shop dusknoir soon see marill comforting azurill which dusknoir then said ",what happen? what's wrong azurill?" which marill then said ",somebody took azurill's water float and ran off with it." which the green keceleon then said ",what?!

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Electric Touch: Chapter 2 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

As he walked, he was almost hit by an azurill, that he saw fly over his head, but as the encounter luckily had no consequences, he continued to move.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lake Of Rage and Team Rocket

azurill may have been a young pokemon but through some extensive training, he had already evolved into a marill. "marill has been registered to your pokedex. marill the aqua mouse pokemon a water and fairy type.

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A Dark Sun Approaches

The azurill cooed in his sleep next to his azumarill mother. jason left the room without waking them. he had a long day ahead of him. he did not want those two waking so early.

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Teal continued.

Misty shook his hand and he sat down again, returning to carefully running his hand over azurill. "i'll fill you in on what's happened." oak said. back in the aquatics center, teal slowly woke.

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Curse of the Mightyena Chapter 5

The group had a pichu, cleffa, igglybuff, togepi, tyrogue, smoochum, elekid, magby, azurill, wynaut, and mime jr. just to name a few.

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