Update on my Shaman Squirrel Stories

Here's the updated genealogy of my shaman squirrels. some of the new ones after #28 are native american words for "squirrel," modified to be more pronounceable.

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Everyday Life With Otter Girls: Page 2

However, as the intergalactic alliance for goodwill (iag) has stated, and because the lutra race is blessed with an adaptive genealogy, (meaning they can reproduce with any species) it is unlawful for a human and a lutraina to engage in actual sexual relations

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The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1)

These differences of branches in genealogy demonstrated how the high elves got around to constructing such vast quantities of arcane engineering in relation to their conductance of vril in application to the thermal properties of the underground, since the

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I Ask Myself How Is It I Have Come

What traces do such as you and i leave by the way-- no family name, no bloodline, no heirloom, no genealogy, no monuments. (i pray the sunset, one day to accept me of his bloodline, but that does not count.)

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Studies and Reunions

According to the genealogy, the last time a jedi emerged in our family was eleven generations ago. - this definitely calls for a celebration. ah well, it was nice meeting ya after such a long time. i'll have to go back and continue my studies.

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"The Thin Line," Part A

Granted, these usually express themselves in vigorous four-letter words and genealogical analysis. which, given the history of elvish family trees, can be quite colourful and lengthy.

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In Service to Tik Tik 5

My nestma- my queen, she is obsessed with legacy and genealogy. that's why she sent me out on my quest,, you know--to seek out the secrets of sex to use them to make our tribe the greatest, aah, in the land!"

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A Child's Rage Chapter 5: Remembrance and Reflection

This poor pup, i believe he was mistreated to the point of questioning his genealogy." "why?" "because there is nothing physically wrong with him! there is barely a bruise left on his body!"

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Iron Wolf Chapter 2, Son of Nobility

Thehe king handed the tablet over, and james caught sight of what was on the screen. " so, you were looking at my genealogy?" "yes, why not?" the king turned to osmund and barked, " osmund, you are dismissed!"

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Family Tree

Dhane and ayla have been working on some complicated genealogy tree for weeks, and the living room is overtaken with documents and graphs, figuring out how far back their respective families go.

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Home is "Were" the Heart Is.

You're going to do some of that genealogy stuff. my aunt likes looking people up. where was yours from?" "a place called wolf creek. ever heard of it?" "can't say that i have. sounds small." "probably. just big enough to hold a pack i'd guess." "a what?"

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603 Hints Of a Seven-Fold Symmetry

Give her somethin' else to read other'n old genealogies and family trees and whatnot, it'll do her a world of good." cleo can't help but express her disappointment.

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