The Spark Of Life - Chapter 02
All you're left with after the battle are the same weapons occupying the battlefield, homunculi. freya leans right into kreatur's face, like a wolf about to deliver the final blow.
homunculi are rare enough that they may need knowledge skills to know about them.
Radasus vs Jeked 3
Jeked sits upon a stool made of one of his many homunculi. at the same time, more of the goblins hold the canine kobold radasus hostage, bound tightly by ropes.
Chapter XV: Watch me Burn
"homunculi..." hunter backpedalled in surprise. "what!?" "the body was a homunculi," elena concluded, her eyes fixed on her father. "wasn't it? chronos has a blood mage by his side. both ghouls and homunculi are created by blood mages.
The Spark Of Life - Chapter 03
Freya downs the rest of her blood and walks up to the homunculi's side and drags them up by their arm. she places her hands inside their coat and onto their hips as she presses her body onto theirs.
Sanguine and Clockwork
_an excerpt from â€_on the history of spellcraft, volume ii_,†by simon canopus artyle_ _the very earliest homunculi date back to several millennia ago.
Free Samples
Part of him wanted to go back to his cheesecake body but he didn't want the guy to think that he was just some sort of homunculi pretending to be in charge.
Amourous Amalgamation
Using the magic scribing techniques of golems and the flesh of the destroyed homunculi i will enfuse the completed vessel with life!"
Familiar, Part 5 - The Steam Cities Overlord
The homunculi were being disposed of humanely. while this was being done andreas and jake had become anthony's honored guests. sleeping in the warmth of the copper tower was very nice.
Shorty's War 9
"unlike the rest of my homunculi, this "robin" actually thinks she's a real person!"
Collecting Reagents 1
I could create more powerful homunculi, or i could even get fast-tracked to making myself a philosopher's stone!"
Electric Knight Aparillis - Chapter One: A Destined Meeting
We may have created homunculi, but they're still living, intelligent beings, and have free will like us, even if people try to train them to forego its use, so we have no right to treat them otherwise.