Pokemon Breeder Episode Nine: Rock Hard Gym Leader
Episode Nine: Rock Hard Gym Leader The next day, Green had finally woken up. They'd been out so late, and exhausted so much energy that they just slept in the next day. It was almost one PM before Green had enough energy to get up and do...
Sly as a Fox
Sly as a Fox Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Nuwisha55 Heated, lusty pants and grunts filled the small upstairs bedroom, the sound of flesh on flesh, moans and groans. There was even the faint squeaking of the bed springs, though Jonah...
Sly as a Best Man
Jonah all but barked in excitement before he presented his over-sized tail to wade. wade grabbed on, petting and stroking it, sliding his arms around the fur.
The furious five gets a new warrior
Even his large girth was not enough to cusion the furious attack of this creature as he became nothing but a over sized punching bag. po fell to the ground his body coverd in bruises as he did not make any noises.
Display Stand - A story.
Now lets see, i like this setting "firehose" always wanted to see how far those over sized testicles could launch a jet of cum from the coat rack." "heh, i'll turn up the canine's too. don't want him refilling too soon.
JOABWB Reboot: Double Trouble
She said, blushing brighter as she imagined the rabbit, as well as his rather over-sized bulge.
Beau - Chapter Three
I was wearing nothing more than a torn tank top that looked over-sized on me, and a pair of dark, denim jeans. no shoes or socks._ what was i doing here? where had i come from? i had no idea.
True Origins Revealed Of Easter
Take this you over size bunny. the bunny slaying his chocolate blood flows into the rivers of milk the fireys drinks the blood and rejoices "background talk" freedom never tasted this good.
My Little Fantasy: Sephiroth is Magic!
"i love you, princess luna..." bawled the brooding, bishie beastialist, his over-sized orbs welling up with tears. "...even more than mother."
Blake's Daily Life: BFFs Since Grade School
Not only that, you're still wearing those over sized baggy clothes!" maggie pointed out. "yeah, i still have those console. classic are great too." lucy said, "and what's wrong with my clothes?" lucy asked, naively. "everything!
Kyler and the irresistible knee high socks
"less talking more fucking you over sized kitten." "over sized kitten..."
After Dark: a side story, Part Two
Rachel watched her a bit before heading not to cathrine's bed, but to her own, laying the girl down onto her rather thick over sized mattress before crawling in and curling around cathrine carefully.