A Night for Them
**Just a short bit of fun. Enjoy. :)** **Sky.** **~\<+\>~** **Chapter One** **A Night for Them** Romance or Passion? They had been busy, so busy. Hina had been running, back and forth, back and forth. They've been so busy that she was starting to...
School Girls' Fantasy
Mrs. Jonhson (5'6" red fox with wavey shoulder length hair) is a single mom of a 10 y-o boy and she hired Trixie (5'3" white cat with blond hair) to watch her son while she went out for a work dinner meeting. So after school Trixie walked over to Mr....
Fantasy of a High School Girl
"Miss Perierre?" The tiger-wolf looked expectantly to the front row of the classroom, viridian eyes focused on the beautiful sea otter seated, crossing dark-brown legs demurely under a strapless, white sundress. She chewed on the tip of a pencil...
Confessions of a Tentacle Monster
Confessions of a Tentacle Monster Hi, Tentacle Monster here. I'm a trans-dimensional being. I actually have a name in my home dimension, but you'll never be able to pronounce it until you learn to whistle out your ass so Tentacle...
Desperate Needs
**"Please miss! I'm busting!" a teenage lioness squealed in discomfort. The lioness's name was Crystal and she had snowy white fur and watery blue eyes.** **"No, you cannot! You've had the whole of lunch break to go!" her teacher, Mrs Sanders (a...
Diary of a High School Girl -Chapter 4
(Don't read if your not 18 blah blah blah, ok enjoy! ^\_^ ) "Excuse the interruption, will Sono and Angel from Classroom 3A please come down to the principals office. That is all." The sound of the speaker clicking off and a set of chairs moving...
Diary of a High School Girl- Chapter 3
Laughter bursted from the group this morning as Tyka walked in. The poor guy was still half asleep on his feet, rubbing his eyes, and gave a big yawn. I almost felt sorry for him, yet we all knew that it was his own fault for staying up too late. He...
Diary of a High School Girl - Chapter 2
I shivered as I waited for the bus, my fur bristled all the way down to the tip of my tail. It was a miracle that I was actually here before the bus since I had woken up late this morning. I had rushed through my shower and instead of drying my long...
Diary of a High School Girl- Chapter 1
I groaned as the alarm clock went off, my hand groping around for the off switch. Blinking, my violet eyes slowly adjust to the morning light that shone brightly through the curtains. I yawned and got on my hands and knees, stretching just like a cat....
Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties
**Kept Back II - A Tale of Two Kitties** _A sequel to Kept Back ([http://www.sofurry.com/page/72250/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/72250/user)). While it is not strictly necessary to read it first, why not give it a try?_ Jacob Jones...
Gwen's Unexpected Erection
Gwen's Unexpected Erection "Our teacher is a werewolf," Gwen whispered into the darkness of the forest. Moonlight streamed through tree boughs in scant rays of silver. The path beneath was lined with detritus from October storms. Fallen branches...
Pleated skirt, rope and ice
Tim had a bathroom connected to his bedroom, so I didn't have to worry about being caught wearing a school girl uniform. I half expected him to have the nose bleed fountain reaction like most male characters in anime when I came out. "I'm not that...