Stud Son
Dylan slumped against the wall of the changing room, hooves splayed out in front of him. One hand lay on a towel next to him, restlessly playing with a set of car keys. He stared off into the middle distance, oblivious to the activity around him as his...
Knight of Lizard
A horse equine with a penchant for changing people... gregory was a knight beaming with pride as he walked through town on his horse.
Ch.24 Lesson Eighteen. Human / Equine Comunications
The huge black almost draft horse equine father turned the corner. the sight of him greatly raised my spirits. if there was one great thing i had done, is to give aden his dad back. "hi dex" he said gently leaning down to give me a hug.
Vore Party at the Ball Room
After that and still covered in the slick mess from the dragon, chiryn was taken from that fetish to the next, where he met up with a centauravian mare - equine lower half and avian upper half - who was eager to lift her tail to him.
The Transform Center: Room 4
horses?" „equines. anthro - horses." „what? there are other species?" „yes, quite a lot of them... cats, foxes, dogs." „woa... now i'm so happy i got dragons. how is it to be doubled?" „well...
"chores, no problem, but the daily management of such a breeding operation, i have no background of dealing with or any ability for working with as the breeding of horse, equines.
Help Wanted
"chores, no problem, but the daily management of such a breeding operation, i have no background of dealing with or any ability for working with as the breeding of horse, equines.
Midnight Snack
"pretty name...pretty cock..." "three horse cocks. you'll be in heaven, huh?" "nu-uh." the denial was emphatic, if sleepy. "not?" "nuh." thomas snuggled deeper into riker's fur. "this...heaven..."
Movie credits
Moaned for his cock, i continued to work my way up, brought him pleasure that no one else had given besides his desire for the horse. equine lips had its perks but i was more than enough to make him cum.
Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 3
Reynard turned to see a large stallion equine with brown fur and a white star on his head, boasting a remarkably wrinkle-free business suit and tie. the equine motioned to one of the dusters.
Cat Burglar 2
Her slippery, wet pussy lips parted before the head of the stallions horse cock, stretching wide, wider than she'd gone in a long time. it was uncomfortable at first and she had to stop three inches down, her pussy not used to the object inside it.
Coming to Terms: New Firsts
He took a deep breath taking in the scent or horny horse, equine sweat, and a male in rut, a deep musk scented with fresh turned earth. instead of licking his chops, he dove forward with his tongue, letting brandon know where his hunger lay.