Hiroku's First (In Spanish)

"what if" what if i could draw in furries from around the world with a spanish version of one of my stories? well... here it goes...] hiroku primer 5/26/06 ashura l. kusanaga era otro día en la tundra de yiffstar.

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Steer School: Bubble Gum

As he held the big spanish bull james flexed his rump, ground his hips against elijah's thigh, and pressed their bellies firmly together.

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I am fluent neither in french nor spanish. so sue me.

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The Gift, Richard's (SF) Introduction, Part 2

I'd done well enough in my 'introductory to spanish' class in high school that i knew he was asking me if i spoke it. i responded as clearly in spanish as i could "i speak a little spanish."

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Changes - Part 1.3

The cougar was silent until the bell rung for the start of class, and immediately she began speaking rapid-fire in spanish. other than 'hola,' which means 'hello,' charlie didn't know a lick of spanish. unfortunately, neither did jack.

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Dos fuerzas opuestas (Spanish)

Ozuma no paraba de mirar el reloj de clase, a medida que sus párpados no podían soportar mas el sopor de la clase de historia, la última del día. Habían pasado demasiadas cosas en aquél día, y tan solo deseaba que se terminase. "Maldito Shiro"...

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The Comforting Words of a Reptile Stranger Version 2

"i will always keep you in my heart and soul no matter what happens" the spanish dragon said.

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The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood

It involved the man, father delpena, the arch-inquisitor of the spanish inquisition.

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El dia antes de navidad

Esta historia es "los periplos de Gami" pero con una mejor redacción y con muchas cosas nuevas. Espero que os guste.P.D.: Aquí tenéis la animación del capítulo para que entendáis e imaginéis como y donde está cada cosa....

The World

Their major language are zuidean (dutch), lanyue (chinese), norteño (spanish) and bzrg (persian); their lingua franca is spanish. ### spiritual phenomena (religion) most of tribes are monotheist, they call their god meester, shenling/shangdi, gran señor,

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