Finding Atlantis - Ch11

The second voice was younger and slightly shaken, like he was a barer of bad news to someone, who _really_ didn't like bad news. "he must have had a aircraft of some kind. what about the plutonium?" the first voice plied again.

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Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter Four.

Axon finally asked figuring from his disheveled apperance he had either just been fired from work or got bad news such as a relative dieing. tom kept his peace at first. he looked up and at the street lamp across the street.

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Not so alone pt 1

"well i've got good news and bad news" the fox says "the bad news is you're not going to make it back to your house alone, the good news is you're not hallucinating" i open my mouth to argue when i realize arguing with a hallucination is silly.

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Chapter 3- "Ryuk"

It was the tone all police officers used whenever they had to deliver some bad news. and light had a feeling he knew where this was going. so, he let the wolfess talk.

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Chapter 13- "Library"

"i've got good news and bad news. the bad news is that i couldn't get that agent's full name." damn it. the good news better be much better. "the good news is that i got the agent's fake name. he's going by the pseudonym jackson." a fake name?

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Carter Wolf - a Fall from Grace , Part I

"it also means i've got good news for you... and bad news." "bring it on," i moaned. "the good news is: your powers are very real, and so are mine..." "-and the bad news?" "the thing about curing a hangover with pepsi and fast-food..." "uh-huh?"

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A Nightmare Within a Dream: Chapter 3 - Video Games and Monsters

I have some good news and some bad news. first the good news. i hereby declare all your payments paid in full," started mr. robinson. but before he could continue, i interrupted, "wait what!? what do you mean "paid in full"?

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Interrogation Treatment

Al let her finish before given her a " you done yet" look " well i got some good and bad news for you but i don't want to get into detail so i'll tell you the bad news" he said.

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The Search for Ka'Le (5/15)

"well we have bad news and... more bad news," xander explained with a sigh as he poured them a drink and refilled theirs.

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The Book of Warlock 9. The Collector.

#9 of the book of warlock nisgarant's sceptre is made from a mythical creature's horns, and it's bad news. here's why. everything has its opposite. there is light, there is dark. there is matter, there is antimatter.

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But that's not the end of the bad news. some males may need some extra stimulation before their penises are erect enough to penetrate your cloaca. most males need a stool to get to the correct height to mount you.

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Alone on an island Chapter 4

"thank you" moon wolf thanked us both and then sighed, "i have bad news little ones" "whats da bad noos" sable and i asked in time with each other. "i have been called to the main land" "whats da main wand?" we both asked in rhythm again. "!

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