Up on the moon.
Her christmas shopping were done and now she simply prowled through the mall, happily humming an old tune her band once played. those were the times. she got her throat chopped and almost lost her voice, all in the name off music.
College of Celestials - Chapter 4.1 - Virgo
"in fact, one really devilish godhunter managed to inject a bit of capitalism into christmas a while ago by basically manipulating the market so that people begin christmas shopping right after thanksgiving.
Highschool Days(All Chapters/Sub Chapters)
Wyatt nodded and she just said, "well, looks like i'll have to go christmas shopping tomorrow." raymond grinned and said, "remember not to buy anything to wear for gideon unless it's a hat."
Life and love in Urban Bohemia
Adrian was watching disinterestedly out the window at beasts scurrying about on the street below in the pre-christmas shopping rush, when he received a phone call from the fox, asking him what he was doing that night.
Salt and Foam
The wives decided to fly down to nome to do some christmas shopping. tragically, they and the kids never made it back, the plane crashed in a freak storm about twenty miles from here. after that, they used each other to fill the void left in their lives.
Down In The Dumps
It was like going christmas shopping every day. one such situation came up out of the blue about a week after lena and justin first met. the black plastic bag ripped satisfyingly under her paws.
Mixed-Field (Mavology V)
It was part of his christmas shopping for his son, and reflected the hectic schedule he had for a monday morning. from newark, to fairfax, then to chicago, to meet up with rob, who was assisting centoh's hub at midway.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 476-500
But i told them i did it with a boy i met at the mall while christmas shopping - with someone who i'd never met before, and i didn't even get his name," anna said. "they don't know will is the father.
Bovine Indulgence Highlights
While it was rather depressing christmas shopping mostly for myself for most of the last one and a half decades, i found more happiness in the holiday this year with presents to put under the tree for both hollie and mom.
The Moon Coin
The next one was going to come a few days before christmas, and sally wasted no time talking her parents into going to her grandma's house before then, so she could do a little "christmas shopping" by herself.