POV vore - you and Jadia the silkie

"ulfermrish are a subspecies of mrish genetically altered to excel at microgravity work," you read. "bipedal instead of quadrupedal like most mrish. feet modified for tool use. longer than usual prehensile tail. see: mrish."

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The Raging Hounds VI: Boys' Night Out

The comment earned jim a mocked sneer from vincent "you should know, that the origins of us edenians lie on ancient terra and that we were once humans, made this way through highly sophisticated genetic alteration and engineering.

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Trick or Treat

Sofia appeared to take umbrage to this escalation, but since she apparently hadn't brought any similar tools with her she had to make do with what nature (and several centuries of genetic alterations) had given her.

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 8

His appearance was that of a normal, genetically altered human. "so, sam, are you, like, ben's father or something?" marcus asked suddenly. ben started to sputter in alarm next to me. i just smiled. "no, no.

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The Mysteries Around Us Pt. 4

They were the outcome of an experiment that was to breed genetically altered creatures with human and animal dna together to see if they were fertile or not. his mother was a wolven creature, while his father was a coyote mix.

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Chapter 2 - Blood's Thicker than Water

"you had a lot to deal with, were you captured, genetically altered, forced to almost become a slave, fight for your life every day?" skye shouted. "that's not fair; no one else had to go through that!" she replied.

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Read the Fine Print pt.4

We injected you with hormones and other genetic altering substances so you would have a penis. as it turned out, you reacted strong to the male hormones. your system came into a mix. making you do those things to her.

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Xenormorph X Human ~ Chapter 8

This planet, though, is the second attempt by our species to make a livable biosphere using genetically altered plants and animals.

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In the World After: Chapter 1

The human race had so long had processed and genetically altered food and crops that they had lost any strength to handle wild sources of food, let alone the alien plant and animal life of 158-dsx.

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Adeline's Tears

This project was to genetically alter normal animals, giving them the powers of intelligence and speech.

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Chapter 2 - Loki and Sarah

If you want to know if your kadabra is genetically altered is for it to be tested for slight deformities in the dna, i don't know that much about it but some of my friends at the company do, you might want to stop by there some time.

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Walk a Mile: Covert Ops: Cobalt

"only minimal genetic alterations, though. i want you to be able to duplicate every modification he has. he's pumped full of military grade shit, and i want it. i want everything he has that allowed him to beat my two best bodyguards.

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