Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 2, Chapter 4

Shortly after noble heart and i were married, life heart and baby love heart were abducted by no-heart. we tried to save them but...


Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 7

We got faith in you jackie...but i wonder what married life would be like?" jackson giggled...."our bed would be a roll log....or a gerbil wheel. we'd probably have a domestic call a day for arguments over style. but honestly guys?

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When The Wife Is Away

He was a demon, true, but his heritage had been toned down by nearly two decades of married life that had soothed the part of him that was likely to go storming about the country side.

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Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 12

"here's to married life." "and to us." and then we slept. wow...i was finally married...

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Decisions, Decisions, pt. 2

married life certainly has its surprises...especially with a girl like lia. it probably won't shock you to find out that lia's love of nut-cracking didn't end with our mating ceremony, even if i had secretly hoped it might.

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Pregnancy and Padding

How's married life?" kei grinned when he saw their idea of being presentable. "it's beyond wonderful, cousin..." krystal's loincloth and extra-large bra did nothing to hide the advanced state of her pregnancy. "wow!

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Sonic The Hedgehog: The Series - Part 3

Rouge was enjoying her married life and she wasn't above flaunting it. her name was legally changed and throwing around her adriani name seemed almost enjoyable, as if she'd cast off the simplistic, plain "bat" like bad baggage. "you ready?"

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A Honeymoon and Time of Happiness (A canon Star Fox Love Story)

In the meantime she and her husband found married life to be awesome as they were in love and a perfect, happy couple. fox felt that way too, and was looking forward to growing old with the pure cerinian like the vixen was as well.

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 4

"you've gotten bigger, how's the married life treating you?" the fox smiled at his old manager and gave a shrug. "it keeps me busy, that's for sure. it's great to see you again."

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The Neutering Machine...

Since his daughters were almost the only ones making it out into married life, of course a couple of the ram's sons had made it into the breeding pool. of course forming a herd wasn't easy for young ram's, so far none of them had managed to do so.

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Chapter 4 – Transitions and Preparations

While the vixen washed herself, fox let his mind drift to thoughts of married life with this beautiful vixen and thoughts of sharing showers with her. krystal of course picked up on those thoughts, but he felt no embarrassment.

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