Poker Night 3

Seth scooped the members together, dragging them across the wooden table top in disbelief. they were all his. will and mikey stared with mouths open wide. seth was the big winner of the night and would be leaving with all four dicks.

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Volod's Story - Part 2

His knuckles had scraped across the table top and he could feel the warm blood rolling down his fingers and, to his relief, the sword he'd manage to keep hold of.

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Soul (Written Commission)

top only to be splattered by waves of cum he'd been blocking earlier.

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Makin' yer own luck...

Lifting him up and tossing him over a nearby table top, then bending down to strip the unicorn's trousers completely off. "so a guy like me... aint got a chance of getting lucky with a cutie like you huh?"

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The world in the life of a grey husky Chpt. 5 The wolfs return.

Walking up to the nurse's station he knocked on the formica tabl top trying to get a nurse's attention. looking up from her computer screen, the snow white fox in blue scrubs jumped a little at the sight of the, much bigger than her, wolf.

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Cry of the Rose: Book 1 : Chapter 6

Stray grinned and nodded, settling himself down and leaning forward so that his forearms rested on the table top, his paws clasped in a casual manner. "the one and only tag ol mate! haven't seen you in a while.

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A simple weekend

Upon sitting though, chaos began as the pups began fighting for food and making a mess of the once clean table top.

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The Revenge

I sat down at my desk and lifted the wooden table top of my desk. although i knew that my torture wasn't over, i was still surprised to find the entire compartment and my geometry book, covered with glue.

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To See again.

He said placing the eye dropper into its bottles top while quickly grabbing up the next dropper in the lineup of ingredients on the table top before him. "one, two, three, four, and add two drops of thermalite maltose to mixture."

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Chapter Two: Getting to know, Me or You?

Pulled his cell phone out, discharged the battery off the phone and set it on the table top. "let's just say, when things get out of hand on a supernatural aspect of things. as for friends, i only have five i can count out when i need to."

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Big Jake (Kreet 59)

"smart girl," sigmundurr said, finishing off the rest and pounding the empty mug on the table top. "more!" kallid got up to refill it, but kreet put her hand over the top. "now sig, we don't need a drunken adventurer in the baby dragon tonight!"

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In the corner pocket

Resting his face on the table top candy reached back and spread his ass revealing his puckered little hole. "first things first you gotta make it nice and slippery" candy said with a smile, jay got the hint about what candy wanted him to do.

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