Unconventional House Party

The canine swung himself a complete 180 degrees, tying himself fully as he continued to empty his balls into the young boy's ass.

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A Story for Dogs

Barking and scratching were just no match for the racket from the television of that young boy's bedroom.

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Unto The Breach! (Concept- Will be scrapped later)

Somethings are better left, locked away in the minds of young boys playing on the farms. in this cave lies a long forgotten secret, and also the future of the young adventurers.

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Phil and James: Meat Sauce

Phil felt that familiar feeling growing behind his cock, which began to twitch and flex in the young boy's paws and lips. he leaned down and spit on the center of his length.

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young boys, not much older then me (and i am but sixteen), got sent to france to wipe the continent clean. fighting off german attacks, and sharing the trenches with british, irish and anzac.

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[Commission] Chapter 1: Rogues assemble at camp for stories

-heh...and here i thought, you wore that so you won't scare away any young boys who would get too curious. - he took a large gulp from his pint and wiped his mouth. - oh, who am i kidding! tell me truthfully, have you ever been mistaken for a man?

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Cabin Boy's Dream

He slowly said, trying to overcome any residual shock in the young boys mind, and he smiled as his captive slowly replied "my.. my name is.. trova, sir..

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Skyler 3

The young boy's eyes started to well up. "what's he going to do to me?" skylar thought grimly. "this moment ended up being so much more creepy than it should have been.

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Meet Me at the Ferris Wheel (Patreon Extreme)

Kyle wasn't unaccustomed to the young boy's aggressive advances, but it wasn't like they were completely safe from prying eyes.

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5: Harsh Reality

The young boys fist slamming into the wooden backrest of the bench. frozen weather worn wood snapping and splintering and for that moment it all felt right.

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Young Lovers

Warning: this story contains the love of two young boys, ect. jake and neku. bios; jake, a rather muscular wolf for his age. aged: 12 neku, a little fox, small, slender and soft body.

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Summer Camp Tales Chp1: Male Bonding

"quit messing with these two young boys!"   "but sir, i-" clarence uttered   "no buts, march to my office so we can have a talk with your parents!"   clarence had done worse things than this in the past.

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