Strange Mobius

The holy grail of alchemy is the philosopher's stone, with which an alchemist can convert any substance into another. its discovery gave the ilthur great power, and with that power came arrogance.

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Blood And Water Mini - Testing The Waters

But he's got a pretty good knowledge of alchemy himself. just doesn't have the time to go out and get it all on his own, you know? he's busy with..." bain had to catch himself before he said _magic_. "well... work."

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Spike Part 1

Or alchemy if we're on stage together." al said. "on stage? what do you play?" spike said, curious. "drums. alchemy is my stagename. that is before matt and i broke up."al said. 'oh? so he's gay too huh? oh gods, im gonna die!!

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The Water...

Better known as alchemy but i doubt a pup like you would even care. science is in every being, hell, every time someone mates they do the most basic alchemy there is. they create a life by giving a part of each other's flesh: the egg and the seed."

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The Golddroid (chapter one)

Even letting alone that nanotechnology existed yet, he knew that magical capabilities were limited to an organic user and there had never been a single recorded instance of elemental power or alchemy working with technological devices.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 8

Spyro smiled " alchemy? there was a dragonfly in my village who called himself an alchemist, he could make a potion which changed the color of your scales for a while.

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A Long Journey Home, Love Reborn

She didn't seem all that inclined towards alchemy, or towards lucien for that matter and he couldn't say that he blamed her. but that meant that he probably couldn't just hold out the uncorked bottle and hope that she would drink it.

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Wyse Backstory pt.1

\*He was a kid...he had no choice in where they went,what they did. They were a Pride,tho the y honestly had no real 'pride' in what they did. The gypsy's were just interested in a quick buck and moving on to the next batch of suckers. The leader of...

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alchemy is my thing. it started when i was little. i used to gather herbs for our village shaman. she showed me how to mix different plants, flowers and roots to make potions for different purposes. it was fascinating, you know?

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He then developed an interest in alchemy and even helped members into making potions.

Pollymorphed Pirate

But flint wasn't done here, next up was stealing the dragon's alchemy products. he started off with the simple stuff like his healing, darkvision and energy potions, next he went towards one of the locked cabinets.

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A Gargantuan Wager

He cursed his faulty alchemy skills and flailed his limbs against his stomach, but it was to no effect.

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