Something to keep safe - Chapter IX

---- do not read before the story ---- that's a twist i wanted when i realized how much of a baddy terreth looked like. it just felt too plain to have him simply like that. so i came up with a terreth that was actually more... plausible.

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Chaos' new form

"last one to kill a baddie buys the beer." i whooped. "make that last...." draco began. "no!" at least three voices shouted," we are not having sexual bets with any dragon." there was a mass laugh,and silverine chuckled. "o.k.

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Central New Year #3- The Hunt

"it's called the dodge the baddies two step. take your partner, swing them to the side, and lean outwards. then run like a lava floe's after you." "excellent."i managed to wheeze." i'll go get a violin.tempo?" "what would you suggest?"

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Digimon Tamers: The Lust of MistressDevimon #3 Final

Rika looked over at wizardmon, when we deal with the baddies, you need to get my mom and the others out of here and back to were they belong." wizardmon nodded. "i can do that." rika raised her hand. "are you ready."

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We'll sneak aboard and drop the shields so that earth's forces can blast those baddies up!" he said with a energetic tone. "but how are we going to get on board?"

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Programmed for Cute

"conquer this, baddie!" cobalt said with a big smile. she was bruised and her armored looked scratched and cut, but she was otherwise unharmed.

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Ben 10: Charmed I'm sure

"i swear to god when the first baddy kills you i'm gonna fuck your dead," she shouted. he frowned at her squeaky yet clearly audible voice. "geeze you are gonna be very annoying very quickly huh?" he said.

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037 Her Wooden Sword

As she swings her wooden sword at the bees and mostly misses them completely, buzzing off to investigate colorful open flowers instead, she wonders what the bad guys look like, if they're actually not like the evil baddies in her favorite cartoons.

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Aware of Dog

I was wondering if you had endrokanen's book of baddies in yet?" "yeah, but remember you're already using two splatbooks in our sunday games."

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The Space Bimbo 4: The First Foursome

This one wasn't just knocking out a baddie and bringing him in for the funds. this one was a full freighter takedown, and she had to make sure that she did it right. _bringing back a ship instead of bringing back a person.

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Meet the Curator (Patreon)

So, he had a name, but the baddie wasn't very well-established, which meant that they weren't that good. hopefully. they might just be new in town, but if they were that new, they shouldn't have been able to kidnap someone so fast, right?

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A Gilded House

_hell, if he brought some of those baddies home with him, i bet the two of us could show them a good time. hell, maybe train them to be goodies, instead._ choin almost snorted into the food at that.

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