Don't Celebrate Too Soon
Alex smirked as he raised his champagne glass, his assistant doing the same, though her glass hid hesitation behind it. Alex was unaware of this, his mind clouded with alcohol and success. "Poor subject, I doubt he even knows why we're doing this to...
Mind Control Tales - Hypno Bears Edition 9
So, primitive races like his were enslaved to serve that purpose.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 5
V Talo-Vy (Day 1 on Tashoo) (Early Afternoon) I don't know how long I had been unconscious. I just know that, eventually, I awoke. I was weak, almost too weak to think, let alone move. When I awoke, I felt as if I was lying on the softest fur rug...
Mind Control Tales: Hypno Bears Edition 5
Once jason here was fully enslaved, he'd do whatever the black bear told him. he'd be able to divert the investigation away from derek and his harem.
World of Terra Syn, part 1
During this time the elves took orcs captive and enslaved them. and forced them to work in the mines. this allowed the elves to become very rich.
Entrancing Encounter
Before lucario knew what happened, his enslaved friend uses iron tail right into his gut catching the jackal off guard. when he got down on the floor, lucario held his stomach as it was recovering from the small bit of pain it received.
At Arceus' Behest Ch. 00 - Prologue
"how will i know the difference between those enslaved and not?" zero asked. "those enslaved show no emotion, no sense of self, no life. they coldly follow commands of those who have taken their wills," said arceus.
The Filthy King
Gregor has dedicated an entire room to his enslaved father, having him tightly bound to a bed whilst deep throating him until he can't breathe anymore.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Desert City Environs
:// murray ([]( penny gadget ([]( - enslaved
Gladiator Story 1.
In the hellish land of starfous (star-fouh) there are several men who have been enslaved to the urisatale (your-es-stal) empire. all the men who have been enslaved are chained in a dark cellar by 6 chains which you will learn more about later.
Control of Beasts
After a whole minute of circling, the two enslaved digimon then pounce on each other. now the true part of the 'game' begins.
Chapter Six
He wanted to know if any more of his people were enslaved and yearned to rip the throats out of the men whole held them. he followed ashryn around while she tended to her duties.