How to Raise a Dragon (Part 3)
Daran blew out two farts and sighed heavily again before relaxing his bowels and widening his butt hole. daran giggled and let out a horrible fart before a loud squish was heard and the air began to stink of excrement.
Renamon Bad Scat Puppy
White wolf: i want to watch you fart baby come on do it fart for me. fart out all that cum i just filled you with. renamon farted away and sprayed the cum from her ass as she did.
Afterwards she was farting on a regular basis as her digestive system often churned out tons of mare butt gas. ginger seemed to fart all the time. mare farts are much stronger than those of a human female, as richard himself knew quite well.
Let It Go
However, while the otter was stretching, he accidently released a shrill fart from his posterior. it was a bit musky and it caught jett by surprise, but it wasn't the first time he farted while stretching; he was bending over after all.
Jon Mahon Christmas Special
Whose fart blew everyone into "the night before jon mahon" 'twas not the night before jon mahon, when all through the school not a creature was farting, not even uh jared!
A little payback part 2
He smiled, his anus flexing around foamy before blowing out a huge eggy fart, making foamy qish he could pull his arms out to cover his nose.
Hazbin Hoe-Tel. (COMM) (PARODY) (MALEDOM)
Whether the four-armed demon noticed this or not, he simply kept pushing and pushing and farting and farting. finally, he ended up letting out a rather big fart that ended in tragedy. p-p-pppppkkkkkrrrrrrrrrr~ _"uhlghk-!"
rarity's dirty serect
Rarity though stopping her plot hole closed and her let out a small fart. but she was far from done.
Diaper Lab: Ch 3
The fart was deep, long, and thunderous. it sounded as if it could blast a hole through a brick wall. "ahhhhhhhhh..." the ape cooed in sweet relief as that particularly huge fart pounded from his huge ass.
The Biggest Gainer: Hollywoo Edition
For a fart, it wasn't half bad. they sat there, farting, burping, and basking in their stink, until peanutbutter's stomach grumbled. "agh, man, i'm hungry! hey, bartender! hello?" there was no response.
A Union Of Slaves Part I
Skiddo farted in ernest's nose again. ernest sniffed his fart and began to give his butt a few licks. skiddo gasped and moaned as ernest's tongue washed over his tailhole. skiddo groaned and pushed another fart into ernest's face.
Oh, Shit. Part 1
The voyeur let out a fart of her own, almost out of sheer morbid curiosity. silent but lovely (she had to admit she enjoyed the naughtiness of sniffing her own farts).