Knock 'Em Back [Patron Reward]
Knock 'Em Back Patron Reward for Izzy 18+ Izzy could tell he'd made the right call as soon as he saw Nikki's face light up. Izzy knew she'd love this spot; the sawdust covered floors and the dark decor gave this exactly the kind of ambience...
XXXMAS Day Thirteen - Feminization
From what i've seen, forced feminization seems to be the most popular (i could be wrong, don't quote me on that) but i thought this could be an interesting chance to write a character on the non-binary spectrum.
Darian and Noriko: Hired Help
Being an out non-binary queer, darian's last year of school had been a fucking nightmare.
Razed - Chapter 12
"_Treat me like a slut_ _Little, dirty bitch_ _I love to fuck"_ **Kim Petras,** ' **Treat Me Like A Slut'** As I waited for an answer I thought for a moment it might be over, that whatever force had been holding back reality might shatter...
The Guild had warned Fireball about the Mastermind. "Don't beard the dragon in its den," he'd been told, specifically, and yes he understood why they would use that precise phrasing each time, thank you very much. But _as_ a dragon, he...
To Call Your Very Own (Unreleased)
Your lazy, tired workday night is interrupted by an unexpected phone call. It's Minty. You pick up immediately. Their voice is hushed, nervous, and a bit hoarse. "I'm at the front door, please let me in." "Are you okay?" "Yes, just come down." They...
More than a Match - Part Two
With any other woman, any other partner she had literally ever had, male, female, non-binary or otherwise, that would have been it.
More Than a Match Part 2 (A Jeeves Prompt - Posted with Permission)
With any other woman, any other partner she had literally ever had, male, female, non-binary or otherwise, that would have been it.
Into The Web
It didn't look much different from any other strip club, on the outside. Maybe it was one of the classier ones. The building was a fairly new one, and there was plenty of decoration on the outside. Neon lights, signs, patterns. All that shiny...
Starlight Changes
Caelum padded forward, his tail swishing behind him lazily as he strolled along the path leading home. The luxray's bags laid across his back, a bit heavy, but not too much for him to handle, aside from his paws getting a bit sore by the time he made...
About 9000 words Simplicity Navigator training begins with the fundamental law: simplicity. No matter how talented the trainee, the most beautiful equations are always the simplest. A model navigator achieved it in all calculations; from the...