A Tale Of Two Worlds - Chapter 7 ...Secrets?

'thats just like you riccy, never stopping to find out who someone is' she used her pet name for her brother as she was in a dream like mood.

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gaurdian in the woods

"ooooh i see your "terrible" 5 nights in the wilderness have turned you into a fearsome tiger little one" the kittens ears perked at the mention of one of his pet names "brampson?"

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The Virgins' (Almost) Perfect Evening

My stomach gives a little flutter, just like it does every time he uses that pet name for me. another first marked down for jeremy. jeremy. jeremy jeremy jeremy. "are you ready?" "i... i think so."

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The Temptation of Jinx

Skye's slurred outcry and special pet name for her huskoon best friend came as the rabbitfox stumbled over jinx's now rather bedraggled-looking tail.

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Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 6 the little things give you away.

Jennifer asked him using his favorite pet name. "alright. i understand, but old habits die hard mum." kristoffer said his ears still flat but you could see them easing up again, "kristoffer!"

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Brothers: Chapter two, Getting Comfortable

Lenka knees went a little weak when his brother called him 'pup' a pet name that was only used in private. "i love it when you call me that." lenka's tail wagged as his tongue lolled from his muzzle. "come on, i'm hungry."

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Tmnt Generations— Chapter 4: good, new days. 

Raphie" he said using the pet name mikey gave raph. raph smiled a little bit "fearless" he said. the word held no offense in it this time, which surprised leo. leo stood, and raph walked closer "umm... raph.... this is my first kiss..."

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Pawford Personalities, Ch 1: Spaghetti and Meatball

His daughter giggled at the pet name he chose for her, and held out an arm, "going up!" she announced, and he obediently complied, grabbing hold of her wrist in one paw, and yanking her up into the air.

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What Tigers Dream Of - Chap. 8

Tj called slater that pet name just to annoy him and remind him that he has the same stripe pattern as tony the tiger. slater nudged tj with his leg and huffed. "nevermind now." he said. he secretly smiled on the inside. "no tell me slater!" tj begged.

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The Hope Future Holds - Gift for The Cuddling Fox

He managed to say, uttering the pet name he used with his mate. "my fox..." the other said, his paw raising his chin so they faced each other, before their lips met in their first kiss, melting him to the core.

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Chapter 1 - The Fabulous Friendship

Came a pet name, since rarity was so keen to counter back with 'dashy' a lot of the time. with all the house manners of a burglar, dash dug into the snacks, munching down the tasty leaves as rarity poured her a cup of tea.

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Game Night OP

A little pet name that he idolized of his mate when she chose to be obedient and cute like she was being right now. leaving his fingers in her tight ass, "better get to riding and show me how much you want your cock."

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