A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 27: Excitement

He pulled ahead, even as drew tried a second swipe. the wolf was too far ahead though, and the tiger faltered in his pace to regain balance. he slowed an instant and was neck-and-neck with me.

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Dashing Through the Clouds

Flashwing gained speed quickly and the blue pony ahead of her looked back once and to her surprise saw flashwing only a foot from her flank.

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Exodus "..Sly"

Everything was bathed in indigo as rain drops drifted lazily upwards disappearing throughout a vast spaceless ceiling of softest violet, and there straight ahead!

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Dress Up

You stared blankly ahead, your feelings forgotten, your existence shapeless once more. "almost." the creature circling you said, though you couldn't understand its words. "missing something."

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Dying Dream

Everything ahead of me is losing all color and form... if i can just follow it... just...don't lose sight of it... farther and farther away... i can barely see anything.

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Drunk Dobies Don't Mix - 1

"i like surprises," brock's teeth were visible as a white streak, briefly, before he was again starting straight ahead, to the road beyond.

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Toner's Guide To Win A Million (Finale Pt 2)

They see the policefurs not too far ahead and they start running. "where the college?" deedee asks. "straight ahead!" diesel says. they run as fast as they can, their feet sore and lungs on fire. the frat bros slowly catch up to them.

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A wanted man

"attention to pursuit, we have blocked off the road ahead of your position." james looked up ahead and saw a line of police cars blocking the road. some were angled sideways while others were facing straight ahead.

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The Witch of the Woods [Patron Reward]

You keep it at bay with your paw, and continue ahead. be careful, oh brave, noble sea-lion. ahead of you is the most powerful thing you've ever faced. keep your wits about you, and keep your willpower intact. the witch is close.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 16 - Greed and Anger

Still watching the group's advancement they knew nothing good lay ahead. the tests ahead may very easily be the ones that break the group. they could not help katashi in any way but they could help his friends.

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A Fated Reality-Chapter 16

_the great race-land route-ahead of hazel/opal and siphon..._ "so...anyone gonna make a move?" jackson asked as they looked ahead of them. there was a bridge over a gorge...there was a sign that said 'totally safe!'... really? "uh...chris, you go."

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