Tribal (1 of 5)
He ate with abandon, his eyes closed, and his whole frame leaned back lightly to just allow those paws more room to work over his frame, getting every knot, tense spot, or sore spot that could possibly be on his frame.
Her black stomach, her yellow frame, her overly-sized wings... where to begin what had been asked of him? it was a question that he pondered for but a moment, before he decided to simply work his way on up the frame of the unconscious herm.
Humble Hero
The harehound was stunned by this, his eyes running up and down his nude, brown frame with light shock in them. even the green star on his stomach had stretched slightly, going from a little mark on him to more of a pronounced part of his frame.
He had put on the largest pair of sweatpants which he owned, and still those did little to conceal his frame.
M for Muscle
His heart beating faster now, zev could feel something change in his frame. he was unable to explain it, but he could almost feel his entire frame getting stronger in some sense of the word.
A Yeen in Time
Silvery shaped things spinning away above sturdy frames. atmospheric readings, he knew he'd get told if he asked.
A Perilous Double Feature
He looks back, his eyes widening as he looks up the frame she's in. she tries to look up, renamon eying a cord going from the top of his hourglass, over to the frame, and the large blade... her eyes widen as she jerks her bound limbs.
Uncertain Chapter 1
Ajax placed the frames into my car. "thanks again for making the frames. they look great. i hate to run, but i gotta get going. will text you both the time for the snack night on friday.
The Truth Behind Zanuka
Excalibur struggled against zanuka, trying to keep its claws from tearing his frame apart. _this is a frame,_ he thought, his mind racing, _it's like me, yet...not..._ he shook his head and jammed his barrel against zanuka's torso.
Audience or Oil Painting
Kai couldn't shift the grin on his face as he worked his slim frame through the music.
Moghattan on the Rocks
Within, tsumi whimpered as the walls churned easily, slicking him over and bundling, adjusting his frame into that gut proper.
Breaking in Modruk
It was obvious the lad's mind was still swamped from the tranquilizers, but his muscles were weakly pulling against the bed frame.